Gluten-free omelette of broad beans and Tropea onions

Gluten-free omelette of broad beans and Tropea onions
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Time: 25 minuti
Difficulty: minima

Ingredients for 6 people:
250 g of fresh broad beans
3 Tropop DOP Onions
5 eggs
50 g of grated Parmigiano Reggiano DOP oil extra virgin olive oil
salt up
black pepper grains


Peel the eggs in a bowl and beat them with a whisk; add the Parmesan, a pinch of salt and a minced pepper and mix.

Tick the onions, remove the outer leaves, wash them and cut them into rings; shell the beans, wash and drain them.

Brown the onions for a few minutes in a non-stick pan with a little oil; add the beans and cook for a few minutes, adjusting salt.Then pour the egg mixture into the pan, make sure that it spreads evenly, then cook until the omelette is firmed; turn it over with a spatula and complete the cooking. Serve.