Piadina with smoked salmon, tomato slices, crispy salad and basil

Piadina with smoked salmon, tomato slices, crispy salad and basil
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Time: 40 minuti
Difficulty: Facile

A quick dinner with friends, maybe watching a movie or a game? Here is the solution, a quick piadina to make and stuff as we like!
I propose mine with salmon and salad.
Covered by a specification, the production of "Piadina Romagnola" is in fact an I.G.P.
A round and flat product made from wheat flour with the addition of water, fat, salt and some optional ingredients. We can find it classic and the Rimini. The Classica is thick, compact and remains very crumbly. Piadina Riminese, on the other hand, is soft, thin and larger in diameter. Cooking takes place between 200 and 250 ºC, for about 4 minutes.
Historical background:
Until a century ago, piadina was a substitute for bread, only after World War II, the "Piadina Romagnola" spread in the countryside and in the cities as a real meal. In the seventies, came the piadinas of artisan production that spread in the kiosks becoming a feature of the territory.
For the traditional cooking of the piadina you need the Romagna "testo", that is a pan that exists both of cast iron and aluminum, with a non-stick bottom. The text guarantees uniform heat distribution.

Ingredients for about 4 wraps
250 g mix Speciale Pane e Pizza Molino dalla Giovanna
170 g cold water
20 g lard
30 g corn seed oil 
6 g salt to taste
1 g baking soda
Gluten-free rice and corn flour
For the filling
8 leaves of Roman salad
250 g smoked salmon
2 tomatoes San Marzano  
1 small bunch of fresh basil
Extra virgin olive oil
Salt up

Pour the mixture into a bowl or planetary, add baking soda and mix.
Combine cold water knead vigorously, then finish with the addition of oil, lard and salt, incorporating everything carefully.
Then make a homogeneous and smooth ball, let stand for about 30 minutes at room temperature.
Take a part of the dough and roll it with the rolling pin on the slightly floured surface, bringing it to the thickness of 1 mm, then cut from it the circles of the width of the bottom of the pan, using, if necessary, the shape of a dish. Proceed in this way until the dough is finished.
Wash the tomatoes, cut them into thin slices and season with oil, salt and pepper, then wash the basil and salad leaves and set aside.
Cook each piadina on the fire in a very hot non-stick pan, over a moderate heat, for about 3 minutes, then turn and finish cooking for 2-3 minutes.
Fill the wraps with two slices of tomato and two slices of smoked salmon, season with a little oil and a pinch of salt, complete with basil leaves and salad.
With a toothpick create one with tomatoes and a basil leaf and serve all