Soft focaccia with onion and parmesan

Soft focaccia with onion and parmesan
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Time: 1 ora e 30 minuti più riposo
Difficulty: Facile

Focaccia as a substitute for bread, give me ideas for many recipes, today we make one with onion and Grana.
Features: The onion is a vegetable, a bulbous plant, of the Liliaceae family and has many healing properties. Basic is a natural antibacterial, is rich in vitamins (A, B1, B2, C, E), mineral salts such as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron and manganese, source of natural ferments useful to stimulate and promote digestion. Moreover, it contains very few calories and has a strong diuretic action, able to clean liver and kidneys.
History: used since ancient times by the Egyptians and later by Greeks and Romans
In Italy, the regions most affected by this crop are Emilia-Romagna, Piedmont, Lombardy, Campania, Calabria, Tuscany and Veneto.
Notes:The onion contains tear gas, it is a defensive system of the plant to protect itself from the attacks of animals. When it is cut, the onion activates an enzyme called Allinasi, able to initiate an internal chemical process that gives life to two compounds called Propantial-S-oxide, real volatile tear gas, which in contact with the eyes make us tear.
A classic method to cut onions is to do it under water; being water-soluble gases, in contact with water they melt immediately, without reaching our eyes.
Ingredients for 4 people
500 g Special for Bread and Pizza Molino dalla Giovanna
340 g water
60 g potatoes with white paste
20 g fresh yeast
10 g sugar
50 g extra virgin olive oil
12 g salt to taste
Permitted rice flour
Extra virgin olive oil

For seasoning
3 gold onions
100 g grated Grana Padano cheese
Extra virgin olive oil
Salt up
Pepe Nero Macinato


Wash the potatoes and cook in boiling water until tender; drain, leave to cool and remove the peel. Pass them through the potato masher, dropping the puree directly into a bowl and let it cool.
Arrange the mix in a bowl, add the cold potato puree, the crumbled yeast and the sugar previously dissolved in water, gradually pouring water.
Mix everything carefully, then add the oil and finally add the salt. Form a homogeneous ball with the dough and with oily hands, distribute evenly in two trays of 22 cm in diameter.
Crush it in the center, leaving the edges slightly higher, let it rest for about an hour.
In the meantime peel the onion and cut into very thin slices, put in a bowl and season with oil and salt. Set aside.
After the rest time, take back the pan and stuff with the onion slices, then put in the hot oven at 220 ºC for 25 minutes.
Remove the focaccia and immediately cover the surface with a generous sprinkling of Grana Padano.