Wrap piadina recipe with robiola, walnuts, salad and bresaola for a light meal

Wrap piadina recipe with robiola, walnuts, salad and bresaola for a light meal
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Time: 50 minuti più tempo di riposo
Difficulty: Facile

Piadina as a substitute for bread, allows us to bring to the table allows us many sweet and savory fillings.
Today we make it at home and fold it to wrap, a term used in the United States to indicate a soft dough stuffed and rolled. I propose a fresh filling and crunchy notes of the delicious nuts.
Walnut is literally a tonic of the nervous system with antianemic, antispasmodic, sedative and anti-inflammatory properties.
The benefits they offer to the heart depend on electrolytes and, above all, on their action on the muscle and elastic tone of the vessels that promote arterial circulation. Consume 2 - 3 nuts a day, thanks to the presence of magnesium, which play an anti-stress, anti-inflammatory, painkiller, sedative and anti-edema.
Historical background
9000 years ago, nuts were used as a means of support and bear witness to historical finds. The first written testimonies are in the Naturalis historia a naturalistic treatise in encyclopedic form written by Pliny the Elder between 77 and 78 AD.
We can obtain information about the import of this tree in Europe from Asia Minor by the Greek colonists in the period from 400 to 600 B.C.
to enjoy the properties of nuts, it is important to choose fresh nuts with light, but not faded, or dry nuts that should not produce any sound if shaken.

Ingredients for 4 people
250 g Special Bread and Pizza Molino dalla Giovanna without lactose
170 g cold water
20 g lard
30 g Corn seed oil 
6 g salt to taste
1 g baking soda
Gluten-free rice and corn flour
For filling
150 g bresaola without gluten
100 g robiola
1 strain of lettuce
80 g nuts
Extra virgin olive oil
Salt up


Process for making the dough:
Arrange the mix in a bowl or in a bowl with the rest of the ingredients and mix well with the help of a leaf.
Operate the planetary mixer at medium speed and obtain a smooth dough, bringing the dough to a homogeneous and compact appearance.
Procedure for sizing and cooking:
Form small balls weighing about 80/90 g, crush with a rolling pin until you get circular discs 2/3 mm thick.
Heat a non-stick pan with a diameter of 28 cm at a low bottom, cook the piada for about 3 minutes taking care to turn after about 1 minute and a half and finish the other side for the remaining time, remove from the pan and place on a plate to cool, complete with the cooking with the other balls spread.
Procedure for the filling:
At the end of cooking, arrange on each wrap a layer of robiola, a leaf of salad, bresaola and chopped walnuts.
Season with a little oil and a pinch of salt, then roll up the piadina, divide it in half and arrange on the plate.