Fast paella with gluten-free Saracen and gluten-free shrimps

Fast paella with gluten-free Saracen and gluten-free shrimps
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Time: 90 minuti
Difficulty: Facile

Ingredients for 6 people:
200 g of Buckwheat grains in gluten free grains
1 carrot
1 zucchini - ½ peppers - 8 cherry tomatoes
½ fresh onion - 150 g string beans
½ glass of white wine
20 shelled shrimps (or a slice of grilled tofu)
2 bags of saffron and chopped parsley - extra-virgin olive oil virgin olive oil
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Line a baking sheet with baking paper, pour the buckwheat into grains without gluten, heat the oven to 180 degrees and make toast the beans for about 8 minutes, after the cooking time, remove from the oven and let it cool.
Peel the onion, divide it in half and slice it very thin, pour into the pan with two tablespoons of oil and put aside. clean the pepper and cut into cubes, do the same with the zucchini and carrots, put everything in a bowl.
At this point boil a saucepan with water brought to a boil, in the meantime remove the petioles to the green beans, rinse well and cook for 8 minutes; Drain and add to the previously cut vegetables.
Take the onion and let it brown over a gentle flame, after a few minutes add the buckwheat and the vegetables, mix well and blend with the white wine, let the wine evaporate;just add the shelled shrimp and cover with water.
Cook for a few minutes, then add the saffron and the cherry tomatoes in the end, sprinkle with chopped parsley and a pinch of salt.