Gluten-free wraps with Valtellina bresaola, paprika-flavored cream cheese, walnuts kernels and crispy salad joulinne

Gluten-free wraps with Valtellina bresaola, paprika-flavored cream cheese, walnuts kernels and crispy salad joulinne
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Time: 20 minuti
Difficulty: Facile

Ingredients for 4 people
4 Gluten-free Wrap Mediterranean Delights
200 gluten-free cream cheese
1 g sweet paprika
80 g walnuts
100 g bresaola of the Valtellina allowed
1 small bunch of fresh basil
Extra virgin olive oil
Fine salt

Wash the salad and the basil and dry everything in a cloth and put aside in a bowl, flip the bresaola from the bag and place it on a plate.
With a spoon pour the cheese in a glass boull, add the paprika, a teaspoon of oil and a pinch of salt and with a spoon or even better with a whisk mix everything until creamy.
Take back the salad and cut it thin to make strips, place in a bowl and season with a little extra virgin olive oil and a pinch of salt.
In a chopping board, chop the walnuts not excessively but to make them coarse.
Heat the non-stick wrap over a gentle flame and when it will be hot, cook both parts for a couple of minutes per side.
At this point spread the wrap on a cutting board, spread the cream cheese with a spatula or a knife laying the salad previously seasoned, the bresaola and a handful of walnuts, rolled the wrap on itself, to form a roll.
at this point cut the wrap into two oblique and serve on a serving plate.