Gluten-free lasagna with artichokes and buffalo mozzarella

Gluten-free lasagna with artichokes and buffalo mozzarella
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Time: 1 ora e 30 minuti
Difficulty: Media

Ingredients for 4 people

400 g Special fresh pasta Molino dalla Giovanna  
3 whole eggs
1 egg red 
20 g water  
6 g salt up
Very fine rice flour for gluten-free dusting
For the filling

8 artichokes
2 shallots
1 lemon
1 glass of still white wine
400 g buffalo mozzarella DOP
1.5 l whole milk
60 g butter
60 g gluten-free corn starch  
100 g parmesan
salt up
1 lemon
Ground black pepper
Extra virgin olive oil

Time: 45 minutes plus rest
Difficulty level: easy

Mix in a bowl the mix and add the eggs in the center, l'acqua and mix everything with salt, work vigorously until you get a homogeneous mixture. Create a ball with it, cover with cooking film and let rest in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
After the rest time take the fresh pasta from the fridge and roll out with the machine, bring to the thickness of about 2/3 mm. Spread the pastry on a cut and with a knife create some squares, sprinkle with rice flour and put to dry on a cut about 1 hour.
Clean, removing the outer leaves and tips of the artichoke with a knife, divide into 2, remove the inner beard and then slice thinly and soak in a bowl of water with a lemon cut in half, so that they do not blacken.
Prepare a chopped shallot and sauté in a saucepan with 3 tablespoons of oil.
Add the artichokes cut into slices, well drained, let it fry over medium heat, half cooked, add a glass of white wine; let it evaporate, season with salt and pepper, then finish cooking artichokes, covering the pot for 5-Ten minutes, until they’re tender.
Prepare the béchamel sauce: heat the milk in a saucepan over low heat, while melt the butter in a saucepan over low heat and add the corn starch.
Stir quickly with a whip to prevent lumps from forming. When the starch will be completely amalgamated add the warm milk, salt and continue to stir, do thicken all over the fire.
Cut the mozzarella into slices or pieces and drain on a colander.
Now switch to the composition of the lasagna: in a baking pan, pour a couple of tablespoons of béchamel sauce and prepare the bottom of the lasagna.
Lay the first layer of lasagne and cover with artichokes, grated Parmesan cheese and mozzarella slices.
Cover with the béchamel sauce and sprinkle with more Parmesan cheese.
Then continue with the layers until the ingredients are exhausted about 4 layers must come out. Bake for 35 minutes at 180 degrees, or until the lasagna surface has turned golden.
At the end of cooking, remove the pan from the lasagna and leave to rest for at least 20 minutes before cutting.
Spread out the lasagna and place on a plate, add a tablespoon of artichokes and complete with a parsley leaf.