Gluten-free wholemeal tartlets with cream and fruit

Gluten-free wholemeal tartlets with cream and fruit
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Time: 1 ora più riposo
Difficulty: Facile

Ingredients for 4 people

260 g Special Frolla Molino from Giovanna
40 g Buckwheat flour without gluten
160 g icing sugar without gluten
140 g lactose-free butter
2 whole eggs
2 egg yolks
a pinch of baking soda
the grated rind of an orange
a pinch of cinnamon
For lactose-free cream
500 g milk without
5 egg yolks
160 g granulated sugar
45 g Impasto IO corn starch
The berry of a bourbon vanilla
For the fruit
500 g berries
150 g fresh strawberries
10 leaves of fresh mint
For the syrup

300 g of water

300 g of sugar
50 g liquid glucose syrup

the peel of a lemon

Time: 1 hour plus rest

Difficulty: Easy

Cut the butter into small pieces and add the sugar, knead quickly with the hand without overheating the butter too much, add the mix with the previously mixed buckwheat, add the eggs and the orange zest and knead to form a dough. .
Leave to rest for about 1 hour in the refrigerator, wrapped with kitchen foil.
After the rest time roll out the shortcrust pastry to the thickness of 3-4 mm, line with it the molds from tartlets that we have buttered and floured and pour in, pierce with the tines of a fork, to prevent them from swelling in excess , cook in a hot oven at 180 ° C for 20-25 minutes.
At the end of the cooking time, leave the tartlets to stand out of the oven for at least 30 minutes.
Meanwhile prepare the cream: Heat the milk in a saucepan (without boiling it). Work in a bowl the egg yolks with the sugar, vigorously banging the mixture with electric whips, until it is light and fluffy; add the starch to rain and keep working. Pour in the milk and the vanilla bean that you have previously engraved, continuing to mix with the whips to avoid lumps (if necessary, pass the cream obtained through a thick mesh).
Transfer the cream into a large bowl, using a spatula, and stir until it has cooled; cover with kitchen film and let it rest in the fridge for 1 hour.
After the rest time of the cream, take it back from the fridge and work it a few minutes with a whisk, put it in a sac-à-poche with a coarse-striped tip and pour it into the base of the tart.
Put the water, sugar and glucose syrup in a saucepan and boil for about 1 hour.
At the end of cooking add the lemon peel: the whole must shrink about ¼; at the end of cooking remove the liquid from the pot and put it to cool in the fridge.
In the meantime, wash the fruit well and slice it at your leisure, stuff the tarts as pictured and complete with a brush of syrup to make the fruit shinier.