Celery ribs, with gluten-free breadsticks with salt and flaxseed, gorgonzola and walnuts

Celery ribs, with gluten-free breadsticks with salt and flaxseed, gorgonzola and walnuts
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Time: 1 ora
Difficulty: Facile

Ingredients for about 400g of breadsticks

250 g Special gluten-free bread and pizza Molino Dallagiovanna
160 g water
20 g white wine
2 g fresh yeast
3 g salt up
40 g extra virgin olive oil
5 g linseed

Ingredients for an aperitif for 4 people
8 ribs of celery  
8 twigs
150 g of gorgonzola
12 walnut kernels
basil leaves

Preparation : 1 hour more cooking
Difficulty : Easy

Pour the bread mix into a bowl and in a separate bowl dissolve the yeast in water with the tines of a fork and add to the dough. Add the white wine, oil, salt, flaxseed and knead all the ingredients. Transfer to the worktop with some dust flour and work it to create a homogeneous ball to be put to rise in a bowl covered with film for at least half an hour.
After the indicated time, divide the dough into small pieces weighing 7-8 gr l 'one and with the palm of the hand obtained sticks of about 1 cm in diameter of 6 cm and place on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.
Finish forming the whole dough, brush with a little water the surface of the dough and distribute coarse salt, leave to rest again for another hour.
Heat the oven and cook for about 15 minutes (or until golden brown).
Bake the breadsticks and put them in the air for a couple of hours and then put back in the oven again at 130 or so. for about 1 hour, this step will be necessary to make them toast well.
Procedure to make the aperitif:
Take the celery ribs and cut them at the length of the breadstick, wash well and dry with a cloth, then place in a tray.
Pour the gorgonzola into a bowl and mix with a spoon, soften the cheese and pour into a sac a poch with bocchella rigata; rest on the coasts of celery grissotti, froth at the tip of the gorgonzola, Add the walnut kernels and a basil leaf and serve.