Terrine of peppers, liver pate and teff with blue cheese sauce

Terrine of peppers, liver pate and teff with blue cheese sauce
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Time: 2 ore
Difficulty: Media

One ingredient that makes the difference in this dish is rabbit liver pate.
A very delicate preparation in taste, but that gives that touch of softness and intensity.
All pates are rich in fat and contraindicated for a low-calorie diet, so it is advisable to consume them quality and once in a while.
Historical background
the most famous paté is the French goose fat liver, which is produced with the offal of animals subjected to forced fattening. Already 1500 years before the birth of Christ, in the Middle East and North Africa, the feeding of cattle for slaughter was forced to obtain a larger and fatter liver.
The paté is a crushed or chopped food, with a soft and/or spreadable consistency, based on cooked ingredients: offal, meat, fishery products, vegetables, etc. It can be consumed fresh or at room temperature.

Ingredients for 4 people
2 red peppers
600g chicken livers of rabbit
1 white onion
80 g teff in grains
40 g Marsala
100 g butter
Extra virgin olive oil
Salt up
Ground black pepper
2 sprigs of marjoram
the peel of a grated lemon
For the sauce
250 g blue sheep cheese
150 g of fresh cream


Place the peppers on a baking sheet lined with baking paper, preheat the oven to 200 ºC and cook for about 40 minutes. At the end of the cooking remove from the oven and pour the peppers in a container with the airtight cap and leave to rest closing for about half an hour.
This step helps the peppers to further soften the outside of the skin and then peel better.
Remove the seeds and the white inner parts, then cut the pulp into large layers and steam for about 8 minutes. 
Spread the peppers on a plate, add 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil, chopped marjoram, salt and pepper, marinate for 30 minutes at room temperature. 
Boil a saucepan with water, bring to a boil and when it has detached the boil, add the teff beans and cook everything without adding salt for about 10 minutes, After the cooking time drain in a sieve and put in a separate bowl.
Wash the rabbit livers, dry and clean, taking care to remove excess fat, then cut into small pieces.
Chop the onions and put to wilt in a pan with 3 tablespoons of oil, then add the chopped liver, fresh marjoram, grated lemon peel and sauté for a few minutes.
Pour the marsala into the pan and let it evaporate over low heat. Adjust the salt and pepper mixture and turn off the heat. Once cooled, put everything in a mixer and reduce into a cream, if necessary, add 1 glass of water and place in a pan on the fire, let it evaporate leaving the mixture slightly damp.
Melt the butter over low heat and add it to the liver cream, at this point add the teff and mix well with a spoon.
Grease and line the plum cake mould with film and place the peppers on the walls, then pour the pate inside, then let it rest in the refrigerator for a couple of hours, so that it is well firmed. Meanwhile prepare the cream of pecorino cheese, using the cream heated in a water bath and the cheese melted slowly.
After two hours, take the mold from the fridge with the pate, which you will remove, removing the film.
Place the tile in the middle of the plate, cut two slices and wet with cream cheese; decorate with parsley leaves.