Gluten Free Blog: Insights

To get a perfect fried (gluten-free or not) there are rules! here are the tips and tricks to have not to make a mistake

Frying is one of the most popular cooking methods in the world, probably even the most loved, but less and less used in everyday life.
It should be properly prepared and certainly consumed in moderation, accomplices of this effect in descent are for example the amount of oil absorbed by food and the formation of potentially toxic substances if you do not pay due attention.

Test Elisa e celiachia

Monday, 26 July 2021
Celiac disease imposes a type of gluten-free diet as the only cure, so why is the cost of dedicated foods so high?

One of the roles played by the AIC Observatory is to explore and analyze the daily life of celiacs in all its aspects, from lifestyles to diet compliance, to the dynamics of the market of gluten-free products.
We find ourselves thus to a careful monitoring of the "shopping cart" with food for celiacs, differentiating it also between the different distribution channels (pharmacies, supermarkets and specialized stores).

Le nombre de coeliaques augmente les cas diagnostiqués mais pas les malades.

Today we try to understand how the numbers of celiac disease move if patients are increasing or diagnoses are increasing.
Until a few years ago it was a problem of a few, but today it is increasing exponentially the number of patients. There are 172 thousand people who, in reality, could be many more, considering that coeliac disease is not always immediately diagnosed because of the "chameleon" patients difficult to identify.