Baked calzone with tuna fillets and provola cheese

Baked calzone with tuna fillets and provola cheese
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Time: 50 minuti
Difficulty: Facile

A simple and quick leavened dough to make delicious shorts to fry or bake in the oven. Free rein to the fantasy of fillings, here I propose a delicious filling of provolone and tuna!
An ingredient rich in proteins with high biological value and essential fats such as omega3 type EPA and DHA (useful in the fight against triglycerides and excess cholesterol in the blood); it is also rich in water-soluble and fat-soluble vitamins such as: thiamine, riboflavin, niacin and retinol. Among the mineral salts, iron stands out.
Historical background:
Tuna fishing was already practiced in prehistoric times, as shown by the graffiti discovered in the Genovese cave in Levanzo, one of the Egadi islands. 
In classical antiquity tuna represented one of the greatest economic riches and natural resources for the populations facing the Mediterranean.
Tuna is significantly inadvisable in the diet of gouty and hyperuricemic due to the massive presence of purines.

Ingredients for 4 people
500 g Special Bread and Pizza Molino dalla Giovanna 
360 g water at room temperature
18 g fresh yeast
30 g of corn seed oil 
6 g of salt
Gluten-free fine corn and rice flour for dusting
For the filling
350 g white provola cheese
400g fillets of tuna 
100 g of tomato sauce
30 g grated parmesan cheese
a pinch of ground black pepper
a pinch of salt to taste


Process for making the dough:
In a bowl, dissolve the yeast with water and set aside.  In a planetary dish, arrange the mix and gradually incorporate the liquid, knead the dough with energy, then add the oil and salt until the dough is smooth and homogeneous.
Procedure for making calzones:
Divide the dough into 6/8 loaves of the same weight, with the help of rice and corn flours, roll out the loaves in oval discs and let them rest for about 30 minutes. Slightly wet the surface of the dough with water, or cover with cooking film to prevent it from drying out. Take provola and blend well with the parmesan cheese then put in a bowl. Set aside the tomato pulp and season with salt and pepper, mix well.
Procedure for the cooking:
At the end of the rest, turn on the oven to 250, resume the diskettes and place on each of them a tablespoon and a half of filling, a fillet of tuna and close on itself and form the calzone.
Arrange the pieces on a baking sheet lined with baking paper and sprinkle the surface with tomato, cook for about 20 minutes.
For cooking in oil:
Make the calzones, then put to heat in a large pan the oil of seeds to fry then, once arrived at about 165, lay the shorts turning them several times.
Cook in a uniform way.