Marco Scaglione
My professional biography and my story are linked together they kept strong by a strap which is called passion. I'm lucky: I like my job, I enjoy it and it fills me with satisfaction.
It was born a new collaboration between Marco Scaglione and Aksum. Click on the logo and visit their site.
The companies and the people I work with every day, who help me to continue my project and help me grow professionally are:
The Academy is born from a specific need, that of creating a real point of reference for what concerns both the practical side of a diet that must necessarily pay the utmost attention to food intolerance, whatever they are and whatever their severity. But not only that, we also investigate the various related diseases.
The team is composed of experts divided by areas of expertise :
The Board of Directors is the executive body of The World of Intolerances that deals with the achievement of the aims of the association as well as its management, starting from the convocation of the Assembly of Associates, from the care of economic affairs to the acts of ordinary and extraordinary administration.
The External Medical Coordination Group is the body that oversees, treats and promotes the scientific activity of the association. It is made up of doctors, nutritionists and food specialists who, in order to guarantee the correctness of the information disclosed, supervise the research projects, the scientific activity and dissemination for the subjects of competence.
The Working Group, formed by specialists in different fields, assists the association in achieving its objectives. Thanks to the different skills that each professional is able to put in place starting from their professional experience, the association is in fact supported at different levels in the conduct of their activities.
The Italian Food Academy mission is to guarantee quality and excellence in training, through training courses that cover all branches of the catering sector.
Our Masters and Professional Courses make use of great masters and professionals working on the Italian and international culinary landscape, directing the students towards a quick insertion into the world of work, thanks to a practical theoretical approach of learning by doing.