Marco Scaglione
My professional biography and my story are linked together they kept strong by a strap which is called passion. I'm lucky: I like my job, I enjoy it and it fills me with satisfaction.
It was born a new collaboration between Marco Scaglione and Aksum. Click on the logo and visit their site.
The kitchen increasingly embraces the different dietary needs.
Lactose and gluten often go hand in hand, so we have created the collaboration between the gluten free professional and lacto-tolerant association to meet the needs of all.
AILI is the first and only Italian association for the protection of lactose intolerants, a team of people working to disseminate and raise awareness of the widespread and still too little known problem.
Lactose intolerance, or hypolactsia, occurs in the absence or partial lack of an enzyme: lactase.
The latter is able to separate lactose into its two simple sugars: glucose and galactose.
Chef Marco Scaglione has always been attentive to the care of the dishes and the selection of ingredients to allow a convivial table accessible to all.
This collaboration has brought needs together and widened borders.
"The cuisine of Marco Scaglione is research, in constant development, that is strengthened by the Italian and European gastronomic tradition, recalling the local products and bringing out the regional specialties. The area of gluten-free is a constant challenge for him..."
Alimentipedia, Encyclopedia of food, wine and cooking, dedicates a presentation on my work that ranges from cooking to the role of trainer for professionals and amateurs operating in the food sector.
As food and beverage manager, I follow catering facilities, while for medium and large companies, I work in research and development.
The varied structure of my company allows me to follow new challenges and constantly improve myself.
" is the online newspaper of the business world of Bergamo. Published since March 2015, it represents the digital evolution of the weekly founded in 1906. The portal is not only addressed to categories, but also to public opinion and is among the main newspapers of the province.
The publishing company "Iniziative Ascom Spa" also publishes Affari di Gola, a monthly magazine of food and wine culture, and, annually, The price list of properties in Bergamo and province."
We chatted and became aware of the evolution of the gluten-free world in the last 30 years.
Having to follow a gluten free diet is not synonymous with deprivation or sacrifice, since the food pyramid offers many elements in nature without this lipoprotein.
So? How to bring to the table a dish suitable for everyone?
You can read the full article and discover a delicious recipe.
Slurp is the portal dedicated to those who sit on the table with specific dietary needs, contact us to find out how the work of the gluten free professional is carried out.
"A kitchen for everyone with dishes that reflect the love for good food, the flavors and the warmth of the places of their childhood, from Sicily to Tuscany through France. Research and the creation of a new balance between tradition and innovation. This is how Marco Scagliole, Chef and consultant of the "free from" world, presents himself to us. A world, that of "naturally without", that has always fascinated him and where he has been able to demonstrate how cooking "free" is absolutely not synonymous with "without" taste."
Good food is the essential ingredient on which all the sessions of the site develop, regardless of the specific needs at the table.
It offers alternatives and replacements without risking damage to health, interesting information and insights shared by experts.
Lorenzo de' Medici was a skilled politician and ruler, humanist and philosopher, art lover and artist.
Called the Magnificent, because in his person there were all the virtues of Renaissance man.
The International Biennale of Contemporary Art in Florence is an opportunity to gather artists from
from all over the world, who come to Florence to live an extraordinary experience of encounter and intercultural dialogue.
The event was held Saturday, October 17, 2015 in Florence, in the historic headquarters of the Fortezza da Basso to end Sunday, October 25 with the Ceremony of the International Award "Lorenzo il Magnifico" to the artists of the X Florence Biennale.
With great pleasure and pride, Chef Marco Scaglione received the award, closing the curtain of the events of the Biennale with a gala dinner prepared exclusively with gluten-free products.
Celiac disease is a disease that today can only be cured with a proper diet, therefore the popularization of the gluten free culture, embraces the need of professional restaurateur as well as that of the individual consumer.
For this reason Chef Marco Scaglione continues to offer amateur or professional training courses, to teach you how to prepare the best recipes from bakery to dessert.
The professional explains, at each course, the choice of raw materials to be used and how they act in the dough, as well as putting your hands into dough to implement the best methods of processing, leavening and cooking food.
Thus opening the doors to a new world without fear or deprivation.
So the collaborations and invitations of the professional are born that offers everyone the possibility of creating tasty free alternatives.
Behind those who follow a gluten-free diet, we find in fact a community that follows him, that can be family or a group of friends, therefore involving a wider audience than the individual need.
The public present at the event on April 1, in fact, involved professionals who had never tried to work gluten-free, as well as amateurs who were looking for "tips" to improve or solve the indispensable daily preparations.
A real culinary competition that in 2018 took place in the location La Tenuta di Rocca Bruna in Villa Adriana.
The competition, sponsored by the Pharmacy Rossetti - The world of Celiac, saw children and adults compete with the help of Marco Scaglione Chef Gluten Free.
To lead "masterchef No Gluten 2018" the unsurpassed Marco Baldini.