Gluten-free egg tagliatelle with chickpea cream, green broccoli and parmesan flakes

Gluten-free egg tagliatelle with chickpea cream, green broccoli and parmesan flakes
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Time: 1 ora + tempo di riposo
Difficulty: minima

Ingredients for 500 g of fresh pasta
300 g of mix for fresh pasta without gluten
9 egg yolks
10 g extra virgin olive oil
5 g salt up
20 g of natural water
Fine rice flour without gluten

For the chickpea cream
½ leek cut into rounds
½ minced shallot
300 g soaked chickpeas
2 sage leaves
Extra virgin olive oil
fine salt
Ground black pepper
½ green broccoli
2 minced garlic cloves
100 g flaked parmesan

Prepare the pasta. Pour the gluten-free mix into a bowl, add the egg yolks and start to malagamere with a fork the mixture, add a pinch of salt, oil and water, and knead it all until you get a compact mixture; obtained a ball, cover it with a kitchen towel moistened with water and let it rest in the refrigerator for 40 minutes.
Take up the dough and roll it out with the special pasta machine in sheets 2 mm thick; the first steps in the machine the dough will tend to crumble, but continue to browse (folding the dough on itself) until the dough takes no nerve.
Roll them on themselves and cut them with a knife, to make tagliatelle 5 mm wide (otherwise cut the dough with the appropriate machine, mounting the roller for noodles). Transfer the tagliatelle onto a tray sprinkled with rice flour and gluten-free corn and leave to dry for 30 minutes.
For the chickpea cream:
Heat a saucepan with two tablespoons of oil, add the shallot and the leek and allow to cook for a few minutes on a gentle flame, stirring occasionally with a ladle.
Add the chickpeas soaked and well drained leaving the liquid aside, sauté over a high flame for about 5 minutes, stirring occasionally, add the sage and add half a cup of chickpea left first, cook for about 10/15 minutes on a gentle flame.
Once the cooking time has elapsed, blend well with a mixer and strain to a fine kneading colander using a spoon.
Take the broccoli and remove the tops and cut into the stem, boil a pot with water and bring it to a boil; scald the broccoli tops for 3 minutes, drain in cold water.
Heat a pan with the garlic cloves and two tablespoons of oil, when everything is well browned, add the broccoli and cook until the stem is tender, add salt.
Boil a saucepan with some water, when it will be boiled, add salt to taste, cook the gluten-free noodles for about 3 minutes, drain in a pan and season with oil, take a plate and pour two tablespoons of cream of chickpeas, create a nest of gluten-free noodles and store them in the center of the dish.
Add the scalded broccoli and serve with flakes of Parmesan.