Cake with corn flour, thigh pears and dark chocolate chips

Cake with corn flour, thigh pears and dark chocolate chips
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Time: 50 minuti
Difficulty: Facile

A sweet that surrounds a rich fruit, juicy and tasty, the tree Pyrus communis, belonging to the family of Rosaceae that does not tolerate neither excessive cold nor too hot.

Properties :
Various in shape and color and among the most famous we find:

pear abbot
pear Decana
pear Kaise
pear William
The pear has numerous benefits such as a high energizing power, due to the presence of sugars and vitamins B1 and B2, which promote the recovery of forces.
The glucose present in summer helps to counteract the heat, restoring a normal body temperature.
The pear is renowned for its intestinal function, thanks to the high presence of fiber, but also lignin, which seems to prevent the onset of colon cancer. Moreover, sorbitol, despite being a sugar, is able to prevent dental caries and promotes digestion, while pectin plays a laxative effect and keeps bad cholesterol under control. The presence of vitamin A is useful in combating aging of the skin (together with vitamin E) and protect the eyes, improving vision.

Historical outline of the project:
It is a fruit known since ancient times, much appreciated for its taste and digestibility, of which there are over 3000 varieties, different in shape, taste, texture of the pulp and skin tone. The thigh pear became popular during the Medici period in Florence and was cultivated in the area of Mugello, Bagno a Ripoli and Pontassieve. With time it has become quite rare, and today its cultivation is scarce. The name comes from the roundish shape of the pear that, once, reminded of the formosities of women of the past.
The pear can be used for the preparation of different sweet recipes, such as jams, juices and liqueurs. For juices are used mostly pear Decana and Kaiser, while for jams and liqueurs is mainly used quince. The latter should not be eaten naturally, as it is not properly edible, having a very sour taste and a particularly hard consistency.

Ingredients :
3 eggs
160 g sugar
150 g Special prepared for cakes and biscuits Molino Dalla Giovanna
50 g maize flour
100 g butter ointment
100 g seed oil
1 sachet of baking powder
1 thigh pear
60 g gluten-free dark chocolate
gluten-free icing sugar

Difficulty : easy
Time: 50 minutes

Shell the eggs in the container of the stand mixer or in a large bowl, add the sugar and whip for about 4 minutes, must be a mixture mounted light.
Continue with the addition of flour, yeast, oil and butter in ointment and work.
Meanwhile, peel the pear, remove the core and cut into cubes, then add the rest of the ingredients together with chocolate. Check the consistency of the dough and if it is too dense, if necessary correct it with a little milk or water. Pour it into a well buttered and floured plum cake shape and bake in a preheated oven to 175 students. for 30 minutes.
At the end of cooking, let it cool and when it is very cold, carefully remove, using a rubber spatula and sprinkle with powdered sugar.