Cannelloni filled with cauliflower and cod

Cannelloni filled with cauliflower and cod
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Time: 2 ore più riposo
Difficulty: Media

Egg pasta offers many ideas for the preparation of dishes, in this recipe I chose to associate it with a very tasty fish, cod.
Cod is a fish with low saturated fat meat, but rich in omega 3 to support the health of the heart and arteries.
It is also a source of high quality protein, B vitamins and magnesium.
For athletes it is ideal thanks to the intake of potassium, phosphorus (important both for the health of bones and teeth and for that of the kidneys, muscles and heart, for the smooth functioning of the metabolism and for the transmission of the nerve impulse.
The term cod refers to the breed Gadus macrocephalus as per the ministerial decree of 2017 and should not be confused with the stockfish or Nordic cod (Gadus morhua) prepared for preservation by drying without the use of salt. In some areas of Italy, however, stockfish is called cod, as in Veneto.
In the rest of the world, the term cod means all white meat fish such as cod, produced by the salting method.
However, be careful with the consumption of cod because it is rich in both cholesterol and sodium, two nutrients whose excessive intake can compromise cardiovascular health.

Ingredients for 4 people
300 g Special for Pasta Fresca Molino dalla Giovanna
3 whole eggs
1 egg yolk
35-40 g extra virgin olive oil
gluten free fine rice flour
6 g Salt
Leaves of fresh parsley

For stuffing
½ orange broccoli
1 clove of garlic
350 g cod
1 whole egg
1 shallot
30 g breadcrumbs without gluten
¼ glass of white wine
Extra virgin olive oil
Salt up
Pepe Nero minced 
For the breaded cod
100 g of cod
1 whole egg
250 g breadcrumbs without gluten
1l oil sunflower seeds
For the béchamel sauce
1l milk
50 g Corn seed oil 
80 g of fine rice flour


Pour the mix into a bowl or planetary, shell the eggs in the center of the bowl taking care to add them one at a time and letting them absorb.
Mix everything adding the oil, salt and if necessary add water.
Place on the cut and work vigorously until you get a homogeneous mixture, create with it a ball, cover it with cooking film and let it rest in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
Boil a pot with water, wash the broccoli well and put it to cook in water, for about 30 minutes, after the cooking time, drain the broccoli from the water and set aside in a bowl.
Pour the oil and a clove of garlic in a pan and sauté for a few minutes over low heat; add the cooked broccoli (leave some whole flowers aside) and sauté in oil, stirring occasionally, add salt and pepper.
Take a pan and pour two tablespoons of oil, clean the shallots and chop finely, sauté a few seconds over low heat, add the cod cut into cubes and cook in a pan for about 10 minutes, Blend with the white wine and cover the pan with a lid.
After a few minutes the wine has evaporated, remove the lid and check if the fish is tender, or add a ladle of water and cook.
Pour into a cutter the cod, the broccoli that you left to cool and blend well, add the eggs, mix well with a spoon, add the breadcrumbs and adjust salt and pepper if necessary, put in the fridge for about 20 minutes.
Meanwhile, to prepare the béchamel sauce, pour the milk into a saucepan, bring it almost to a boil, and add a pinch of salt and a grated nutmeg; in a second saucepan pour the oil, together with the rice flour and mix it with a whisk.
Add the milk to the mixture of oil and flour, pouring it flush, continuing to mix with a whisk, and make the béchamel sauce thicken on the fire. Leave to rest at room temperature.
Knead the egg dough again and divide the dough into pieces, roll out the first block with the rolling pin on the floured surface, between one sheet and the other place the parsley leaves and incorporate in the preparation of the dough, if necessary, use the dough machine to obtain a thickness of 1 mm.
Proceed like this until all the dough sheets are laid.
Cut out rectangles of about 12X14 cm and cook them for 1 minute in boiling salted water with 1 tablespoon of oil. Drain them gradually with a skimmer and transfer them in a bowl with cold water; then take them from the water, lay them on a kitchen towel and dab.
Distribute over the filling, gently roll the dough around it and lay the cannelloni obtained in a glazed pan with part of the béchamel sauce; arrange slightly detached from each other, until forming a layer, sprinkle everything with breadcrumbs, then bake in a hot oven at 160 ºC for 25-30 minutes.
Take the remaining egg and beat it in a bowl with the tines of a fork, cut the cod into cubes and pass it back in the egg, drain well and breadcrumbs in breadcrumbs.
Heat a pot with seed oil, as soon as it is hot, put to cook the fish being careful to turn it from time to time; drain on absorbent paper and set aside.
Compose the dish with two cannelloni, nappare with a few drops of béchamel and complete with cubes of fried cod and some broccoli flower seasoned previously with a drizzle of oil and a pinch of salt.