Fried donuts with poppy seeds

Fried donuts with poppy seeds
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Time: 1 ora
Difficulty: Facile

The recipe for fried doughnuts I enriched with a crunchy note given by poppy seeds, which have a taste reminiscent of hazelnut, but sweeter and more delicate.

An ingredient native to the mountains of Asia, poppy seeds are an excellent reserve of mineral salts, including iron, copper, manganese, calcium and zinc.
They are rich in phytosterols, which help lower "bad" cholesterol levels.
They contain a lot of vitamin E and B vitamins, which promote metabolism and slow cell aging.
They are gut friends thanks to their high fiber content.
Historical background:
It’s been cultivated since ancient times for its narcotic and medicinal properties.
The Romans considered poppy seeds powerful aphrodisiacs, in fact they were added to a drink served to newlyweds before the honeymoon.
Poppy seeds are among the smallest food seeds in the world.

Ingredients for 800 g of dough
For the yeast 
75 g Gluten-free mix for Molino dalla Giovanna leavened cakes
75 g water 
5 g fresh yeast 
For the dough 
250 g Gluten-free Mix for Yeast Sweets Molino dalla Giovanna 150 g lactose-free milk
150 g yeast 
25 g fresh yeast
80 g granulated sugar
2 egg yolks
1 whole egg
50 g sunflower oil (or lard) 
a pinch of salt up
the grated peel of a lemon 
the pulp of a bourbon vanilla berry
fine rice flour for dusting
20 g poppy seeds 


Start to prepare the yeast in a bowl by pouring 100 g of mix, add the yeast in the water and mix everything well, knead by hand directly in the bowl.
When the dough is smooth and creamy, leave to rise covered with film for 40 minutes at room temperature.
Pour the mix, the poppy seeds and the yeast and mix everything, dissolve the fresh yeast in lactose-free milk, then add the sugar and pour at the base of the mix, little by little;then proceed with the oil and the eggs and continue to work until completely amalgamate.
Finally, add the lemon peel, a pinch of salt and the seeds contained inside the vanilla pod (to take them, it will be enough to cut it with the tip of a knife,  lengthwise and extract them). 
Work until you get a homogeneous mixture,  then form a ball with it helping you,  if necessary, with fine rice flour.
Roll out with a rolling pin on the slightly floured surface, until the dough is 1 cm thick;; using a circular dough cup or a glass, cut the dough obtaining discs of equal size and with a smaller dough cup form a hole in the center, let rise for about 3 hours.
Briefly knead the dough pieces, roll them out again and use to pack other donuts.
At the end of the leavening time of the donuts, heat the oil in a large pan bringing it to 180 º C , then lower the heat and place in cooking. 
Cook until golden brown, turning continuously with a skimmer, then drain on absorbent kitchen paper and sprinkle with icing sugar.