Crostata golosa con crema e frutta fresca

Crostata golosa con crema e frutta fresca
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Time: 1 ora più riposo
Difficulty: Facile

The world of shortbread has a thousand variations and a thousand uses.
Today it is nice to be able to offer you the opportunity to choose what to eat in serenity and share it with everyone, because gluten-free is no longer synonymous with no taste!
Try this recipe, ideal for all ages.
Ingredients for 4 people
300 g prepared for cakes and biscuits Molino della Giovanna
170 g butter
130 g allowed icing sugar
1 egg
3 egg yolks
grated rind of an untreated orange
a pinch of salt
For the cream with orange
500 g of food
5 egg yolks
160 g granulated sugar
40 g allowed corn starch
the peel of ¼ orange
For filling
2 kiwis
100 g raspberries
100 g more
1 pear
½ banana
For syrup
300 g water
300 g sugar
the peel of a lemon


Arrange the mix in a fountain on the worktop, or in a planetarium, put in the center the sugar, eggs, butter, and grated rind of an orange and mix well.
Knead gently to obtain a homogeneous mixture and let stand for at least 3 hours in the fridge (ideal rest all night). Meanwhile, to prepare the cream, heat the milk in a saucepan (without boiling it), work the yolks in a bowl with the sugar, beating the mixture vigorously with electric whisks, until it is clear and foamy; add starch to the rain and continue to work. Pour the milk and the lemon rind into a wire, continuing to mix with whisks to prevent lumps (if necessary pass the cream obtained through a sieve with thick mesh).
Transfer it to a large bowl, using a spatula, and mix until it has cooled; cover with plastic wrap and let it rest.
Take the dough from the fridge and work on the worktop, roll out the shortcrust pastry about 2 mm thick, line a rectangular baking sheet with baking paper, and store the shortcrust pastry inside; remove the excess from the edges.
Heat the oven to a temperature of about 170 ºC, put the base of the shortcrust pastry with the tines of a fork and cook for about 20 minutes; at the end of cooking remove from the oven and let cool.
After the rest time of the cream, take it from the fridge and knead it a few minutes with a whisk, transfer it into a sac-à-poche with the thick striped tip and pour it into the base of the tart.
Put water, sugar and boil for about 1 hour. At the end of cooking add the lemon peel: everything must narrow by about ¼; at the end of cooking remove the liquid from the pot and put it to cool in the fridge.
Sur les bords du gâteau, mettre le kiwi coupé en tranches que vous avez déjà épluché, continuer avec les framboises puis les mûres, compléter au centre avec des tranches de poires coupées en demi-lune, puis avec des rondelles de bananes.
Badigeonner les fruits avec le sirop précédent et servir la tarte après 30 minutes de repos au réfrigérateur.