Gluten-free Bavarian grappa with melon concassé and kiwi

Gluten-free Bavarian grappa with melon concassé and kiwi
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Time: 1 ora e 30 minuti più riposo
Difficulty: Media

A fresh Bavarian, with pieces of fruit and special yield for the addition of grappa. A sweet mix at the right point to delight the summer tables! to try... 

Ingredients for 6 people

For the Bisquit:
2 Whole eggs
4 Egg yolks
77g Gluten-free granulated sugar
105g Preparation for cakes and biscuits Molino dalla Giovanna
32g Gluten-free potato starch
a pinch of salt
For the Bavarian
250 g fresh milk
250 g fresh cream
100 g egg yolk
60 g gluten-free granulated sugar
8 g gluten-free fish glue
40 g of grappa
¼ Of yellow melon
2 kiwis
1 raspberry
3 tufts of mint

Time: 1 hour and 30 minutes plus rest
Difficulty level: Medium
In a planetarium or in a bowl, peel the two whole eggs at room temperature with the sugar and start to whip.
After a couple of minutes add a pinch of salt and let it work, in the meantime turn on the oven to 200# to heat it.
Separate the egg yolks of the other eggs in the recipe and mix in a bowl before adding them to the dough in a planetary, then follow with the preparation and starch previously mixed in a bowl. Allow the mixture to be worked by the planetary whips and be well mounted, it will take about 10 minutes. At the end of the processing time, line a baking pan with parchment paper and pour the dough inside well puffed and fluid. Level gently with a spatula and bake for about 10 minutes without ever opening the oven (check the surface well golden).
After the cooking time remove from the oven and pour the bisquit on a damp cloth and let cool.
Meanwhile, prepare the base of the bavarian, pour the glue into a bowl with cold water and let soak for a few minutes; pour the milk in a saucepan and heat over a low heat. Meanwhile, beat egg yolks with sugar in a bowl with a whisk until foamy.
Pour the eggs into the milk and cook slowly for a few minutes, drain the fish glue and pour into the hot milk, melt well with the help of a whisk.
Transfer the milk into a bowl and add the grappa, then put it in the fridge to cool.
At this point take the cream from the fridge and whip with electric whips to make it firm.
Take the milk from the fridge, which must be firm and full-bodied, add the cream and incorporate with the help of a whisk, until the whole body.
Cut the bisquit on a plate with a circle 20 in diameter, then pour the bavarian and put again in the fridge to cool for about 2 hours.  
Take the melon and remove the outer skin, remove the seeds with the help of a spoon and cut into very small cubes, do the same with the kiwi.
Take the bavarian from the fridge, add the melon cut into cubes, put a circular bowl of dough from the smallest diameter in the center to fill the inside with the kiwi.
With a spatula, remove the mixture from the edge of the circle, place on the serving plate and lay the raspberry in the center; finish decorating everything with a sprig of mint before serving.