Gluten-free corn feathers with mushrooms and gorgonzola cream and fresh parsley

Gluten-free corn feathers with mushrooms and gorgonzola cream and fresh parsley
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Time: 60 minuti
Difficulty: Media

Ingredients for 4 people 
200 g gorgonzola cheese
100 g of fresh cream
1 g of fine salt
1 g ground black pepper
¼ of fresh onion
200 g frozen mushrooms already cut
20 g extra virgin olive oil
20 ml white wine
450 g water water
250 g gluten-free corn pens
8 g fine salt
Fresh parsley

Preparation: 60 minutes                                                                                    
Cuko: 49 minutes                                                                                                 
Difficulty level: Easy                                                                                                                             
Servings: 4% per serving
Mode: manual mode

Tools for the recipe

- Mixing paddle, mixing paddle

- Stainless steel blade

- measuring cup


In the container insert the steel blade, add the onion and blend at 10 vel for 1 minute.
Insert the mixing shovel, pour in the oil and fry in vel.2 for 4 minutes at 100°.
Add the mushrooms, wine and salt and cook; vel. 3 12 minutes to 100°C.
Combine the cream, the gorgonzola and the water and bring to a boil at 110°C vel.2 for 10 min.
At this point pour the pasta and cook vel.1 for 12 minutes at 100°C.