Gluten-free potato gnocchi with buckwheat, tomato coulis and pork fillet

Gluten-free potato gnocchi with buckwheat, tomato coulis and pork fillet
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Time: 2 ore e 40 minuti
Difficulty: Facile

A gluten-free dish but rich in taste to impress guests? try these dumplings with tomato and pork. It will be a success assured.

Ingredients for 4 people
500 g white potatoes Bologna PGI
90 g Special Fresh pasta without lactose Molino dalla Giovanna
25 g Buckwheat flour
1 egg yolk
salt up
ground black pepper
Very fine rice flour 

For the tomato coulis 
400 g cherry tomatoes
sugar if necessary
1 sprig of rosemary
1 clove of garlic
200 g Pork fillet  
5 sprigs of chives
Extra virgin olive oil 
Ground black pepper 
For the reduction of vinegar
200 ml of balsamic vinegar
30 g of sugar

Difficulty level: easy
Duration 2 hours and 27 minutes

Boil a pot with water when it comes to boiling, cook the potatoes with the whole skin until they are tender and soft.
Then place them in a baking tray lined with baking paper and bake in the hot oven at 170 º C for 10 minutes. Turn out the potatoes and peel them, pass all the potato masher, dropping the puree directly into a bowl. Add the eggs, the rest of the ingredients and knead to incorporate well, it must be rather compact.
Place on a pastry board and create a ball, let rest for 30 minutes, then take some pieces of dough and roll them on the lightly floured pastry board, creating salami.
With a floured knife, cut into 6 mm long pieces crush the dumpling in the middle with your index finger; rest on a tray sprinkled with rice flour.
Put on the fire a pot with water and bring to the boil, meanwhile take the tomatoes and with the tip of a knife and engrave on the top, blanch the tomatoes in water for about 20 seconds, drain and store in cold water with ice.
Drain the tomatoes from the water and remove the skin, cut in half and place in a bowl. In a separate saucepan heat two tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil, allow to heat a few minutes over high heat and add the tomatoes.
After about 15 minutes of cooking, season with salt and sugar if necessary and blend the tomatoes with a minipimer, switch to a strainer to remove the seeds, put the liquid back in the saucepan and cook over a low heat for about 10 minutes.
Cut the pork fillet into small cubes and season with the finely chopped rosemary and two tablespoons of oil.
Heat a non-stick frying pan when it is hot, blanch the pork fillet for a few minutes.
Put the balsamic vinegar and sugar in a small saucepan and cook for about 15 minutes over a high heat and then lower the heat until it is well thickened.
Boil a pot with water, add salt to the boil and cook the gnocchi, they will be ready when they come to the surface, then drain into the pork fillet and stir-fry a few minutes in the pan.
Create tomato strips in the dish, add the gnocchi and complete with the vinegar glaze and a few sticks of chives.