Gluten-free soup with savoy biscuits and bicolor cream

Gluten-free soup with savoy biscuits and bicolor cream
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Time: 1 ora
Difficulty: Media

A spoonful cake made greedy by two different creams that wrap fabulous Savoy biscuits soaked in alchermes liqueur syrup. Whether it is for a special event or just pure delicacy, every moment is ideal.

Ingredients for 6 people:
For the chocolate cream:
250 g fresh cream
250 g of milk
50 g gluten-free corn starch
80 g dark chocolate 54% gluten free
80 g egg yolks
100 g of granulated sugar
25 g of cane sugar

For the light cream:
50 g gluten-free corn starch
150 g of granulated sugar
500 g of milk
80 g egg yolks
For the Savoyards:
3 whole eggs
75 g granulated sugar
60 g Special Molino dalla Giovanna Leavened Cakes
To wet the ladyfingers:
250 ml of alkermes
125 ml of water
80 g of granulated sugar
For the decoration:
10 raspberries
1 sprig of mint
powdered sugar allowed
We start with the preparation of the dark cream by placing the milk, cream and chocolate in a saucepan and cook over a moderate heat until the latter melts. In the meantime, beat in a bowl the granulated sugar and the cane sugar with the egg yolks until they are lighter and foamy, then add the sifted corn starch and mix well. Pour the mixture into the chocolate, stirring quickly with a hand whisk, transfer all in a saucepan and bring to a boil, amalgamating continuously to prevent lumps and until you reach the beautiful density.
Then remove the pan from the heat and transfer the preparation into a large bowl and leave to rest at room temperature.
To prepare at this point the light cream heat the milk in a saucepan without boiling it and in the meantime, work with electric whisks in a bowl the egg yolks with the sugar, until they are foamy, then pour in the hot milk, stirring continuously with a whip, so that the mixture amalgams well. Transfer again to the saucepan, put on the heat and bring to a boil, then turn off the heat and continue to stir with a whisk for 1 minute.
For the preparation of the ladyfingers, the egg whites are carefully separated from the yolks. Beat the first until stiff, adding the granulated sugar a little at a time.
Add the egg yolks and work until they are well mixed with egg whites, then pour the mix to the rest of the ingredients.
Mix with a spatula from bottom to top then pour the dough so obtained inside a pastry pocket and form the biscuits making sticks directly on a plate lined with parchment paper.
Sprinkle with powdered sugar and bake in a preheated oven at 190 º C for about 11 minutes or until the cookies are golden brown.
When cooked, remove the biscuits from the oven, transfer to a grater and let cool.
Soak it for the ladyfingers, it is prepared by melting the sugar with water in a saucepan over the fire, amalgamating with a whisk, then add the alchermes, mix and remove from the heat and let cool. This will create a syrup of the right consistency to wet the ladyfingers of the English soup.
When the sauce is warm, dip one ladyfinger at a time and use to create the layers of the soup, alternate first with light cream and then with dark cream and proceed in this way until the ingredients are finished. Leave to rest in the refrigerator for 30 minutes, covered with plastic wrap, then remove it and serve with a sprinkling of powdered sugar, mint and raspberries.