Millet orange gluten-free with turnip tops, bacon scamorza and béchamel sauce

Millet orange gluten-free with turnip tops, bacon scamorza and béchamel sauce
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Time: 1ora e 30 minuti
Difficulty: Facile

Ingredients for 8 oranges

300 g millet beans
200 g cooked turnip tops
500 g whole milk
70 g of butter
60 g fine rice flour 
Salt up to
Noce moscata
150 g sweet bacon cubes
100 g smoked scamorza cheese
1 kg breadcrumbs 

For the batter

300 g of water
200 g fine rice flour 
2 l sunflower seed oil

Time: 1 hour and 30 minutes

Difficulty level: easy

Procedure to be used:

Wash the grain well in water and cook the millet in a pot with plenty of boiling salted water for about 15 minutes from the moment it has removed the boil; at the end of cooking, remove the millet from the heat and drain into a sieve.
Transfer the preparation to a marble or steel surface, levelling it well with a spatula and let cool completely.
Pour the milk into a saucepan, bring it almost to a boil and add a pinch of salt and a grated nutmeg.
In a second pot, melt the butter, add the flour and mix with a whisk. Cook for 1 minute, so as to toast, but without making it colour.
Add the milk to the mixture of butter and flour, pouring it flush, continuing to mix the ingredients with a whisk and thickening the béchamel sauce over a gentle flame.
When the béchamel sauce is cold, add the bacon and the diced scamorza and stir with a spoon.
Then remove a part of the millet, pressing it on the hand to obtain a thin layer and, keeping the hand rather tight, form a recess in the mile where place a spoonful of béchamel sauce topped with bacon and scamorza.
Pour the water into a bowl, add the flour and mix with a whisk to form a batter with a pinch of salt.
Pack the oranges closing the hand and shaping it gently, then pass it into the batter and then into the breadcrumbs.
Proceed in this way until the ingredients are finished, then let the oranges rest in the refrigerator for 45 minutes.
Fry them in plenty of oil to 170-180°C and cook until golden brown; remove them with a skimmer, transfer them to kitchen paper towels, so that they lose the excess oil, and serve them hot.