Pan focaccia with omelette, rocket and tomato

Pan focaccia with omelette, rocket and tomato
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Time: 1 ora più riposo
Difficulty: Media

This delicate pan focaccia is ideal as a beach lunch because fresh, delicious and complete!
Eggs are in fact a protein and affordable food, rich in nutrients.
Egg proteins are the best possible, as they are composed of essential amino acids, necessary for the construction of cellular structures, but not synthesized by the body independently, except through the introduction of food. We also find mineral salts such as iron, magnesium, calcium and sodium. Sight-friendly thanks to vitamin A, lutein and carotenoids.
Historical background:
The eggs have always been considered precious, for example the Egyptians raised the hens and had invented a system of incubation of the eggs as evidenced by the texts of the historian Diodorus Siculus and Varro. The egg was a monopoly of the upper classes such as pharaohs, priests and nbili.
In Italy, from a legislative point of view, when we talk about eggs, we always refer to those of hens produced on farms, unless there are different specific indications on the label.
500 g special bread and pizza Molino dalla Giovanna
22 g fresh yeast
370 g water
50 g Extra virgin olive oil
10 g salt
Rice and corn flour allowed
For brine
50 g Water
100 g Oil
3 g Salt
4 fresh eggs
25 g grated parmesan cheese
25 g grated pecorino cheese
A pinch of Black Pepper
A pinch of salt
Extra virgin olive oil to grease the pan
Leaves of fresh arugula
1 green tomato cut into slices


In a bowl or planetary dissolve the fresh yeast with water at room temperature, pour the mix and knead. Then add oil and salt and continue to work until the ingredients are all well incorporated.
Pour the dough on the floured pastry board, with the scale sporcate and form balls of equal weight (about 130 g each), lay in a pan lined with baking paper and with the hands well greased with brine, grease the cap of the rolls, then put to rise for 1 hour.
Heat the oven to 230 eggs, then wet the sandwiches again with the brine and cook for 15 minutes, then lower the temperature to 180 eggs and finish cooking for another 18 minutes, remove from the oven panfocaccia and let cool on a perforated grill.
To prepare the omelet, shell the eggs in a large bowl, then beat them lightly with a fork or a whisk by hand, adding the grated Parmesan and Pecorino, salt and pepper to taste.
Put a non-stick frying pan on the fire, greased with a little oil and add the beaten eggs.
Cook over low heat for 5 minutes, covering the pan with a lid, move the pan from time to time to remove the omelet from the bottom.
After the necessary time, turn the omelet gently so as to cook for another 4 minutes also the other side this time without lid. Once ready, turn off the fire and put in a dish.
Cut the tomato into slices, place in a dish and season with a little salt and a little oil.
Gently open each sandwich and stuff with the omelette, arugula and a slice of tomato filling them.