Milk sandwiches

Milk sandwiches
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Time: 1 ora e 30 minuti più riposo
Difficulty: Facile

Ideal to welcome guests with a delicious aperitif, or a buffet dedicated to children. Preparing milk sandwiches can be the best solution, the soft texture and delicate taste allow sweet and savory fillings.

Ingredients for 4 people
350 g Special prepared for bread and pizza Molino Dallagiovanna
200 g whole milk
40 g granulated sugar
1 egg yolk
12 g fresh yeast
30 g sunflower seed oil
20 g lard
5 g salt to taste 

For dusting and to brush
1 whole egg
Rice flour and fine corn for dusting allowed


Put the milk in a stainless steel container and add the yeast and the granulated sugar, work until the latter is completely dissolved. Pour the mixture into the mix and knead until smooth and creamy.
Complete the preparation by adding oil, lard and salt.
Transfer the dough to a pastry board, then form a smooth and compact ball with the help of rice and corn flour.
Divide into dough of about 50 g and form small rolls, round and elongated, or small braids.
Allow to stand for 40 minutes at room temperature, covered with a film veil.
After resting, gently brush with beaten egg.
Bake for 20 minutes in a preheated oven at 190 ºC for the first 10 minutes and for the next 5 minutes at 170 ºC, leaving a small pot of water inside the oven to humidify the cooking chamber. You will get soft and fragrant sandwiches, ideal to accompany with jam.