Peppers stuffed with meat and gluten-free millet bread

Peppers stuffed with meat and gluten-free millet bread
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Time: 1 ora
Difficulty: Facile

Ingredients for 4 people

2 peppers
300 g minced pig
100 g bread box ( see recipe below)
8 slices of bread to accompany the dish
2 whole eggs
50 g grated Parmesan cheese 36 months
1 small bunch of parsley 
Ground black pepper
Salt up

Ingredients per 1 kg bread box:

470 g Special Bread and pizza without lactose Molino dalla Giovanna
30 g gluten-free millet flour
430 g water
20 g fresh yeast
10 g honey acacia
80 g sunflower seeds
1 g food grade sodium bicarbonate
5 g salt up

We start the recipe by preparing the bread: pour the mix and millet flour into a large bowl, add the bicarbonate and mix. In a second bowl, dissolve the yeast in the water then pour the liquid obtained in the first bowl. Knead, incorporating the liquid part and vigorously squeeze the dough between your fingers. Add honey, oil and salt, and mix well. Obtained a well homogeneous compound, transfer to the floured surface and shape in the shape of a seam. transfer to a non-stick mold for bread in a box or adapt with a plum cake mold and let rise for 1 hour and 40 minutes. Bake in the oven at 190 C for 1 hour and 15 minutes, then bake, let stand for 30 minutes and cut into slices.
We can proceed to make the peppers: Pour the ground in a bowl, peel the eggs, a grated nutmeg, a pinch of pepper, parmesan cheese and a pinch of salt and mix with a spoon.
Take the 100g of bread and moisten it inside a bowl with water, leave to rest for a few minutes, then squeeze the bread and add it to the meat.
Wash the parsley and chop finely, add the chopped meat with the bread and mix with a wooden ladle.
Wash the peppers and with a knife create an oven on the side of the stalk, wash well internally eliminating all the seeds and stuff with the meat its inside.
Close the pepper with aluminum paper and place in a lollipop.
Preheat the oven in static mode to 220 º º C. and when it will be temperature put to cook the peppers for about an hour.
At the end of cooking, remove the leccarda from the oven and let cool 10 minutes before cutting and serving in each plate with two slices of bread.