Piadina Romagnola gluten-free with tomato, buffalo mozzarella and fresh basil

Piadina Romagnola gluten-free with tomato, buffalo mozzarella and fresh basil
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Time: 1 ora
Difficulty: Facile

The gluten-free Piadina Romagnola recipe presented in the simplicity of Italian colors: tomato, buffalo mozzarella and fresh basil. Of course, you can indulge in the filling.

Ingredients for 4 people

250 g mix Special Bread and Pizza Molino dalla Giovanna
170 g cold water
20 g lard
30 g maize seed oil 
6 g salt up
1 g bicarbonate
Rice flour and very fine maize permitted
For the filling
2 red tomatoes
400 g buffalo mozzarella
Fresh basil leaves
Salt up
Ground black pepper
Extra virgin olive oil

Time: 1 hour more rest
Difficulty: Easy


Pour the mixture into a bowl, add baking soda and mix by hand or in a planetarium.
Add the cold water, knead vigorously, then finish with the addition of oil, lard and salt, incorporating them with care.
Then make a homogeneous and smooth ball, let stand for about 30 minutes at room temperature.
Take a part of the dough and roll it out with a rolling pin on the lightly floured surface, bringing it to the thickness of 1 mm, then cut from it circles the width of the bottom of the pan, using, if necessary, the shape of a plate. Proceed in this way until the dough is finished.
Wash the tomatoes, cut them into thin slices and season with oil, salt and pepper, then also hurt the mozzarella to keep aside.
Cook each piadina on fire in a very hot non-stick pan, over moderate heat, for about 3 minutes, then turn over and finish cooking for 2-3 minutes.
Fill the piadine with fresh seasoned ingredients and serve.