Pizza with sweet pepper fillets, black olives and provola

Pizza with sweet pepper fillets, black olives and provola
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Time: 15 ora più riposo
Difficulty: Facile

Pizza is a dish certainly loved and the Italian tradition, infinite versions to date proposed, but the great classic is the pizza dish!
I propose a recipe with tomato fillets, provola and the particular touch of black olives, typical of the Mediterranean.

Black olives are a good source of vitamins and mineral salts, which determine tonic properties, stimulate appetite and promote metabolic processes and digestion; Moreover, they boast important enzymes and elements such as phenols that have strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant powers, which can prevent some cardiovascular diseases.
Historical background
Thousands of years ago, the people of the Mediterranean knew the benefits of consuming black olives, and they have handed down their secrets to this day. These berries, however, prove to be an important source of positive elements for our health, and therefore a valid ally to prevent diseases and combat diseases. The process of brine that increases the sodium content, moderate consumption is recommended, especially for those suffering from renal dysfunction or hypertension.
The black and green olives come from the same plant, but the main difference between the types is simply when they are harvested: for the green ones, in fact, you have to proceed before you complete the process of so-called veraison, which determines the properties and characteristics of black olives.

Ingredients for 3 pizzas
480 g Special for bread and pizza Molino dalla Giovanna
20 g teff flour
420 g water
14 g fresh yeast
8 g of sugar
10 g white wine vinegar
25 g extra virgin olive oil
12 g salt to taste
Rice flour and fine corn for the permitted dust
For seasoning
350 g mozzarella for pizza allowed 
300 g of sweet provola
200 g cherry tomatoes
100 g black olives without hazel
3 clumps of basil 
Extra virgin olive oil


Place the mix and the teff flour in a bowl, mix with a fork, then pour the water into a second bowl and skim the yeast and sugar. 
Transfer the liquid obtained into flour and incorporate working with the hand or in planetary. Finally add the oil, vinegar and salt and knead to obtain a homogeneous mixture, transfer the dough on a wooden base helping you sprinkle it with rice flour and corn.  
When finished, remove 340 g portions from the mixture, make them spherical and place them on a tray lined with baking paper.
Let rise in the fridge for about 5 hours covered with film.
Meanwhile prepare the seasoning, finely chop the mozzarella and the sweet provola, wash the tomatoes well, divide into 4 parts, remove the pulp with the tip of the knife, create fillets.      
Take back the dough balls leavened, place on a pastry board sprinkled with rice and corn and with the pressure of the hand roll out the pizzas to form a circle of about 28/30 cm in diameter, season the bases of the pizzas with mozzarella mixed with provola; add the tomato fillets, olives and bake in the preheated oven at 280 ºC for 15 minutes or at 250 ºC for about 17/18 minutes. At the end of cooking, remove from the oven and season the pizzas with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil and a sprig of fresh basil.