Recipe for gluten-free flan of Leek, millet and potatoes with Valdostan fondue

Recipe for gluten-free flan of Leek, millet and potatoes with Valdostan fondue
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Time: 1 ora e 20 minuti
Difficulty: Facile

This dish is based on leeks, which in cooking take a delicate flavor, combined with fondue, becomes creamy and delicious.
Leek is a vegetable belonging to the Alliaceae family, such as onion, garlic and shallots.
Rich in calcium and phosphorus, it helps the health of bones and teeth, potassium is an ally of the heart and arteries, while selenium helps fight oxidative stress. Other antioxidants are vitamin C, vitamin A and carotenoids, and vitamin E. Group B vitamins promote good metabolism.
Leek is also a source of allicin and antioxidants, especially betacaroten
Historical background:
The leek is native to the eastern Mediterranean and its cultivation is very ancient widespread among the Egyptians and the Romans. In the Middle Ages this vegetable allowed people to overcome famine and plague.
The leek is the national symbol of Wales.

Ingredients for 4 people:
500 g Porri
1 dl dry white wine
2 eggs
60 g grated parmesan cheese
1 dl fresh cream
100 g millet in grains
100 g white pasta atate
In the case of fondue:
40 g butter
400 g fontina
3 of whole milk
ground white pepper
4 yolks


Peel the potatoes, wash and cut into cubes; cook in boiling water for 2 minutes, then drain and transfer to a bowl.
Trim the leeks, wash them and cut them into rounds coarsely.
Brown the leek in a non-stick frying pan with 2 tablespoons of oil for 2 minutes, add the wine. Let it evaporate over a high heat, then bring to the boil, adding a little water, if necessary, and adjusting at the end of salt and pepper; at the end, take the leeks with a skimmer and drain them well from the cooking liquid. Transfer them to the blender and operate, blending everything; add the eggs, cream and parmesan, blend again, then salt and add the mixture in the bowl with potatoes.
Place the millet in a sieve, rinse under running water and cook in boiling water for about 15 minutes; drain, drain well and add to the zucchini mixture. Mix everything well, then transfer the preparation to a baking tray, lined with baking paper, and bake in the hot oven at 160 º C for about 35-40 minutes.
Meanwhile prepare the fondue. Remove the cheese from the crust, slice it thinly and place it in a saucepan with the milk on the stove for 1 hour; after this time, add the butter and continue cooking in a bain-marie for about 50 minutes, mixing with a steel whisk so that both ingredients melt. Add the yolks, stirring vigorously with the whisk, and cook for another 10-15 minutes, until you get a homogeneous and fairly dense mixture.
Remove the flan from the oven, spread it out and place it in individual plates; pour the fondue over it and serve, as desired, accompanied by some steamed potato cubes.