Risotto with zucchini and scampi with beer

Risotto with zucchini and scampi with beer
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Time: 40 minuti più riposo
Difficulty: Facile

Rice is prepared for various preparations and rich in alternatives, the combination of scampi and zucchini is one of the most classic and popular.
Zucchini is one of the least calorie vegetables, ideal for diets thanks to its high water content and absence of cholesterol.
The ripening period, and therefore the natural harvest for these vegetables, coincides with spring/summer, but now, thanks to the spread of greenhouses, they can be found on the market all year round.
They mainly contain potassium, vitamin E and vitamin C.
historical notes:
The zucchini plant is native to Central America. It has a herbaceous appearance and grows in a creeping or climbing. The leaves are large, broad, webbed and covered with an irritating down; their color is bright green and often have gray or white spots
Zucchini are diuretic and help to counteract urinary tract problems; they are valid allies of those suffering from intestinal inflammation. Recognised calming and relaxing abilities
Ingredients for 4 people
300 gr. carnaroli rice
15 scampi
2 zucchini
1 chopped white onion
a small shallot
1 bay leaf
200 ml Beer without gluten
juice of half a lemon
a knob of butter
extra virgin olive oil
chopped parsley
salt up
ground black pepper


Remove the head of the prawns by exerting a slight twist, cut them from the belly, with a scissors and gently extract the pulp (be careful to remove the black thread of the intestine), rinse under running water and keep aside. Wash and cut in half moon very thin zucchini and keep aside.
Rinse heads and shells and brown them in a little oil and chopped onion, a bay leaf, the peel of half lemon, pepper and salt.  Cook for a few minutes over a high heat, add half of the beer and leave to evaporate for a few minutes.
Cover with water, take the boil, cover with the lid and cook for about half an hour.  Filter, pressing heads and shells well and keep the broth boiling for cooking risotto.
Chop the shallots and fry gently in a few tablespoons of oil, pour the rice, toast it, blend with the rest of the beer and evaporate over a high heat.
Bring the rice to the boil, gradually adding the fish stock.
After about 10-12 minutes, add the pulp of the prawns cut into pieces and the zucchini slices.
At the end of cooking, remove from the heat and add a knob of butter and a little chopped parsley. Cover, let stand for 2 minutes, mix vigorously to obtain the wave effect and serve hot.