Roll with pistachio cream and chocolate icing

Roll with pistachio cream and chocolate icing
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Time: 2 ore più riposo
Difficulty: Facile

A dessert to bite and consume in one bite... these rolls will drive everyone crazy. To be stuffed to taste, but I see us going to wedding this delicious pistachio cream.
Pistachios are the seeds of the plant Pistacia vera, a tree native to central-western Asia, are rich in fat, typical of dried fruits and should be kept in the recommended amounts that equal to about 30 grams, 3 tablespoons of shelled pistachios. The reason is simple, an ounce provides 629 calories!
Historical background:
We find for the first time the word "pistachio" in the Old Testament, later in Genesis chapters 42/43 verse 11. Even today, in the dialectal dialect we keep the terms "frastuca and frastucara" that indicate respectively the fruit and the plant.
They are an exceptional reserve of vitamin K, involved in the proper process of blood clotting, good source of some vitamins of group B, iron, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium.
Ingredients for 8 people
For the sponge cake
4 eggs
150 g sugar
120 g Special for leavened cakes Molino dalla Giovanna
6 g gluten-free baking powder
1 g baking soda
the peel of an untreated lemon or vanilla berry
a pinch of salt up
Butter and fine rice flour for the mould
For cream
500 g milk
3 egg yolks
90 g sugar
30 g allowed corn starch
100 g pistachio paste  
20 g powdered sugar
1 berry of bourbon vanilla
Permitted icing sugar
For the icing of chocolate
250 g dark chocolate 72% 
20 g corn seed oil
50 g of almond fillets
50 g grain of sugar
Shell the eggs in a saucepan with the sugar, put them on the fire to heat, without exceeding the temperature of 40-43 ºC (help yourself with a temperature probe or keep the saucepan for 15 seconds over low heat); remove from heat and add the vanilla berry centrally engraved with a knife to extract the pulp; whip the mixture in a bowl with electric whisks to make it foamy.
At this point add the rice flour, starch, baking soda and yeast that you previously premixed in a bowl to the egg mixture, incorporating 1 tablespoon at a time with a spatula and proceeding with rotational movements from the bottom up. Transfer the dough in a drip tray lined with baking paper and bake in a hot oven at 200 º C for 10/12 minutes; at the end of the oven and overturn the sponge cake on a cutting board, store on a damp cloth and roll the sponge cake inside the cloth.
Prepare the cream:
Heat the milk in a saucepan with half a vanilla bean and its seeds; beat in a bowl, with a whisk the yolks and sugar then add the corn starch. With a clamp, remove the berry and pour the heated milk on the mixture flush, mixing with a whisk.
Return the mixture to the heat and stir continuously until the cream has thickened. Transfer to a bowl, let it cool and then add the pistachio paste.
Put to rest with a sheet of film in contact.
Create a maria bath with two pots, melt the chocolate and it will be smooth and shiny add the oil and remove the two pots from the fire.
Take back the roll of sponge cake, spread it on a cutting board and cut it in half horizontally, create small rectangles and stuff them with cream, roll them up on themselves and put in the fridge to rest for about 1 hour.
After the rest resume the sweets and glaze them in chocolate soaking so