Tagliatelle with gluten-free teff with calamaretti and spicy pesto

Tagliatelle with gluten-free teff with calamaretti and spicy pesto
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Time: 50 minuti
Difficulty: Facile

The fresh pasta of tradition, revisited with teff flour and a very tasty and tasty dressing. The recipe of Tagliatelle with gluten-free teff with calamaretti and spicy pesto will satisfy the palate of your diners.

Ingredients for 4 people

430 g Speciale Fresh pasta without gluten and lactose Molino dalla Giovanna
70 g gluten-free teff flour
5 whole eggs
5 egg yolks
30 g water if necessary
5 g salt up

For the chickpea cream

1 clove of garlic
500 g squid
½ glass of still white wine
300 ml fish broth
1 bunch of chopped fresh parsley
8 cherry tomatoes
100 g Pesto piccante Pasta di Venezia
Extra virgin olive oil
Salt up
Ground black pepper

Time: 50 minutes
Difficulty: Easy

Place in a bowl or planetarium the mix for pasta, teff, eggs and egg yolks, oil and salt and knead the whole, pour the water while working the dough.
After about 5 minutes verify the consistency that must be rather compact, but workable, then transfer to a pastry board and create a ball with the dough to be rested for 30 minutes in the fridge.
Take up the dough and roll it with the machine in 2 mm thick sheets, roll them on themselves and cut them with a knife, to obtain noodles 5 mm wide (otherwise cut the dough with the machine, mounting the roll for noodles).
Transfer the noodles on a tray sprinkled with rice flour and let them dry 30 minutes.
Brown the garlic, peel and finely chop in a pan with two tablespoons of oil.
Clean the squid well, cut into rounds and add to the bottom browned, after a few minutes blend with white wine and cover the pan with a lid, add the broth one ladle at a time until cooked fish.
Take a saucepan with water, bring to a boil, meanwhile rinse the tomatoes and engrave the head creating a cross with the tip of a knife, blanch in water for about 20 seconds and then immediately drain in cold water.
Peel from the skin and store the tomatoes in a bowl with a little oil and a pinch of salt.
Put a pot with water on the heat, bring to a boil and add salt, cook the noodles for a few minutes, drain the noodles in the fish and stir a minute in the pan adding tomatoes, Sprinkle with fresh parsley and add pesto on each portion of tagliatelle.