Traditional Easter dove with cereals

Traditional Easter dove with cereals
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Time: 1 ora più lievitazione e cottura
Difficulty: Media

The big leavened cake of Easter is the Colomba, I propose you to try my gluten-free version with cereals. 
Tasty and soft, made special for the cereal mix in the dough, the taste will surprise you!

Ingredients for 1 kg of dough
For poolish
100 g Gluten-free mix for leavened cakes Molino dalla Giovanna
130 g water
8 g fresh yeast
For the dough
200 g Gluten-free mix for leavened cakes Molino dalla Giovanna
230 g poolish
20 g buckwheat flour without gluten
30 g millet flour without gluten
100 g water
8 g fresh yeast
130 g sugar
260 g whole egg
50 g butter without lactose
60 g Sunflower seed oil
120 g sultanas without gluten (California or Australian)
70 g candied orange (Cesarini or Agrimontana)
30 g of acacia honey
1 berry of bourbon vanilla
the peel of a grated lemon
1 g baking soda
1 g salt to taste
For icing
100 g egg white
80 g of almond flour
50 g gluten-free powdered sugar
40 g gluten-free rice flour
20 g potato starch
2 g cocoa powder without gluten
For decoration
50 g whole almonds
50 g gluten-free medium grain sugar

Icing procedure: To be prepared two hours in advance. Mix all the ingredients in a bowl and create a smooth and homogeneous dough, put to rest for two hours in the fridge.
Procedure to prepare the poolish : in a bowl pour 100 g of mix and add the water in which the yeast has previously dissolved, then mix everything well, kneading by hand directly in the bowl.
The dough will be smooth and creamy, leave to rise covered with film for 4/8 hours in the fridge.
Mount the hook k in planetary and insert the mix and cereals, together with the flavors, sugar and poolish, work all for a couple of minutes.
Dissolve the yeast in the water at room temperature and add to the powder together with the whole eggs (be careful to insert them slowly) and continue to work the dough at least 5 minutes until it is free of lumps, then add the oil, honey, salt, baking soda and all the aromas, only finally the ointment butter.
Let the dough complete until it is creamy and smooth, it will take about 20 minutes.
At this point in the final part of the dough add the raisins and candied fruit and work by hand with a spatula from bottom to top to give a last stir to complete.
Transfer the dough into a pastry bag and fill the 500 g per dove moulds with 650 g raw per piece.
With the icing prepared previously, cover the surface of the doves evenly, add the sugar granules and almonds and leave the leavening which will be about 2 hours.
At the end of this rest, the cooking plan to heat the oven to 195 somebody C, then and put to bake at 175 somebody for about 25 minutes in a static oven, must take color.
After the first twenty minutes of cooking, lower the oven to 140 and bake for another 20/25 minutes. Cook.
Once these two steps have been completed, remove the doves from the oven and let them cool for about an hour by sticking them with some skewer sticks and turn upside down in suspension in a bowl, letting them cool completely.