Zucchini flan, gluten-free millet and potatoes with Val d'Aosta fondue

Zucchini flan, gluten-free millet and potatoes with Val d'Aosta fondue
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Time: 80 minuti
Difficulty: Media

Ingredients for 8 people:
500 g of courgettes
1 leek
1 dl of dry white wine
4 eggs
100 g of grated Parmesan cheese
1 dl of fresh cream
200 g of gluten-free millet
200 g of white-fleshed potatoes
For the fondue:
40 g of butter
400 g of fontina
3 dl of whole milk
ground white pepper
4 egg yolks

Peel the potatoes, wash them and cut them into cubes; cook in boiling water for 2 minutes, then drain and transfer potatoes in a bowl.
Peel the courgettes, wash them and cut them into irregular pieces. Popping the leek, depriving it of the outer leaves and slicing it thinly; brown it in a non-stick pan with 2 tablespoons of oil for 2 minutes, then add the zucchini, brown for 1 minute and add the wine. Let it evaporate over a high flame, then cook, adding a little water, if necessary, and adjusting at the end of salt and pepper; at the end, remove the zucchini with a skimmer and drain well from the cooking liquid. Transfer them to the mixer's jug and operate it, blending it all together; add the eggs, the cream and the Parmesan, blend again, then add salt and add the mixture in the bowl with the potatoes.
Place the gluten-free millet in a fine mesh strainer, rinse it under running water and cook in boiling water for about 15 minutes; drain it, drain it well and add it to the zucchini mixture.
Mix everything well, then transfer the preparation into a pan, lined with parchment paper, and bake in the hot oven at 160 ° C for about 35-40 minutes.
Meanwhile prepare the fondue. Deprive the fontina of the crust, slice it thinly and place in a saucepan with the milk in a bain-marie over the fire for 1 hour; after this time, add the butter and continue cooking in a bain-marie for about 50 minutes, stirring with a steel whisk so that both ingredients melt. Add the egg yolks, stirring vigorously with the whisk, and cook for another 10-15 minutes, until a homogeneous and quite thick mixture is obtained.
Remove the pie from the oven, place it and place it in individual dishes; pour over the fondue and serve it, as desired, accompanied with some steamed potato cubes.