Pappa al pomodoro gluten-free

Pappa al pomodoro gluten-free
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Time: 35 minuti
Difficulty: Minima

Ingredients for 4 people:
15 cherry tomatoes
1 l of tomato sauce and 2 cloves of garlic - 400 g of stale bread gluten-free
40 g of Lamella Parmigiano Reggiano DOP - 10 leaves of fresh basil
extra virgin olive oil
salt up
black pepper in beans

Remove the tomatoes from the stalk, wash them, divide them in half and keep them aside.
Peel the cloves of garlic, crush them slightly and deprive them of the sprout inside;  sauté for a few minutes in a pan with 2 tablespoons of hot oil, then add the tomato sauce and about 250 ml of water (you can put the latter in the bottle of the passata, close with the cap and shake, so do not waste the remaining product), and cook for about 20 minutes over a moderate heat.

At the end, remove from the heat andadd the gluten-free bread chopped, stirring continuously until it will appear completely soaked;  add 6 washed basil leaves, cook and mix again, then transfer the preparation into the serving bowl.  Then divide into individual holster, garnish with the remaining basil leaves, a drizzle of raw oil and the parmesan flakes and serve.