Gluten-free potato gnocchi with clarified butter cream, San Daniele raw ham and poppy seeds

Gluten-free potato gnocchi with clarified butter cream, San Daniele raw ham and poppy seeds
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Time: 30 minuti
Difficulty: Facile

Ingredients for 4 people:
500 g Potato gnocchi Gluten-free pasta from Venice - 200 g of clarified butter - 50 g of fresh cream - 20 g Parmesan Grated Reggiano cheese - 150 g of sliced ​​San Daniele raw ham
Poppy seeds - 4 rows of chilli pepper - 4 thyme sprigs
Sale up to
ground black pepper

Pour the clarified butter in a saucepan and let it heat a few seconds on a gentle flame, add the cream, the Parmesan and a pinch of black pepper, mix it all with a whisk, cook in a sweet flame until cream is thick.
Put a pot on the stove with water and bring to a boil,season with salt and cook the gnocchi without gluten for about 4 minutes.
Drain the gnocchi without gluten in a bowl and toss with a ladle of cream, stir with a spoon, take 4 soup plates and place a ladle of cream at the base of butter, put a square cup in the center and fill it with gluten-free gnocchi, add 3-4 slices of ham on the side and complete with a little spoonful of poppy seeds, a string of chili and a sprig of thyme.

Recipe of the Chef Marco Scaglione
Photo Francesco Bolognini