Danube gluten-free Salted with salami and provolone

Danube gluten-free Salted with salami and provolone
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Time: 1 ora e 20 minuti più riposo
Difficulty: Facile

Ingredients for 4 people:
500 g Bread and Pizza Molino Dallagiovanna gluten free
180 g water
100 g milk
1 whole egg
40 g sunflower seed oil
18 g fresh brewer's yeast
20 g sugar
4 g salt up

For the filling
250 g salami milan gluten free
200 g provolone dolce
1 egg
50 ml of milk
sesame seeds

Place the milk in a bowl and dissolve the brewer's yeast.
Pour the gluten-free mix into a bowl and mix with one hand, add the milk with the melted yeast, the egg and knead vigorously, add the oil, and salt.>After about a couple of minutes, when the dough has absorbed the liquids, transfer it to a work surface and create a spherical shape.
Place it in the bowl and cover it with plastic wrap to leaven for 1 hour in the oven off with the light on In the meantime prepare the filling: cut the provolone into small cubes and the salami into irregular strips.
After about 45 minutes the dough will have doubled its volume.
At this point you can take it out of the bowl and divide it. in pieces. Roll out each piece of dough using a rolling pin and stuff the discs obtained alternatively with diced provola cheese and some slices of salami. Once the dough discs have been filled, close them carefully, giving them the shape of a ball.
Line a 22 cm diameter cake tin with baking paper and place the balls with the closure facing down and arranged in a radial pattern along the entire perimeter and towards the center until filling the whole mold. At this point, beat an egg with a little milk and brush the surface of the salted Danube, so that it is polished, sprinkle the surface of the dough with the sesame seeds and put it all to rise again for another hour to room temperature taking care to cover the dough with a cloth or with some film.
Then bake the salted Danube in a preheated oven at 180 ° for 30-35 / 40 minutes. Once cooked, churn it out let it cool about 15 minutes before removing it from the pan.