Gluten-free sponge cake roll with pistachio cream

Gluten-free sponge cake roll with pistachio cream
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Time: 2 ore più riposo
Difficulty: Difficile

Ingredients for 8 people

For the sponge cake
4 eggs
150 g of sugar
100 g Preparation without gluten Special for leavened cakes Molino Dallagiovanna
1 g of bicarbonate
the peel of an untreated lemon or the seeds of a vanilla berry
a pinch of salt up
Butter and fine rice flour without gluten for the mold

For the cream of pistachio
420 g of milk
80 g of fresh cream
3 egg yolks
85 g of sugar
30 g of gluten-free corn starch
30 g of gluten-free pistachio paste
1 bourbon vanilla berry
Gluten-free icing sugar

Shell the eggs in a saucepan with the sugar, put them on the fire to heat, without exceeding the temperature of 40-43 ° C (help yourself with a temperature probe or keep the saucepan for 15 seconds on a gentle flame on fire); remove from the heat and add the vanilla pod engraved centrally with a knife to extract the pulp; whip the mixture in a bowl with electric whips until it is frothy. At this point add the gluten-free mix and the bicarbonate to the egg mixture, incorporating 1 spoon at a time with a spatula and proceeding with rotary movements from the bottom upwards . Transfer the dough into a baking tray lined with baking paper and bake in the oven at 200 ° C for 10/12 minutes; at the end take them out and turn the sponge cake onto a cutting board,put a damp cloth over it and roll the sponge cake inside the cloth.
Prepare the custard:
Heat the milk and the cream in a saucepan with half a vanilla bean and his seeds; whisk in a bowl, whisk the egg yolks and sugar then add the cornstarch. With a pincer, remove the berry and pour the warmed milk onto the wire mixture, mixing with the whisk.
Return the mixture over the heat and stir continuously until the cream has thickened. Transfer the custard into a bowl, add the pistachio paste and let it cool by storing it with a sheet of contact film. Take back the sponge cake roll, roll it on a cutting board and cut it in half horizontally,create small rectangles and fill them with the pistachio cream, roll them on themselves and place in the fridge at rest for about 1 hour. After the rest time, sprinkle with icing sugar and garnish the dish with strawberries and balsamic vinegar drops.