Muffins gluten-free almond with blueberry cream

Muffins gluten-free almond with blueberry cream
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Time: 1 ora e 20 minuti più riposo
Difficulty: Facile

Ingredients for 8 people:
3 whole eggs
150 g granulated sugar
150 g Lactose free milk
160 g Special Leavened flour Molini Dallagiovanna gluten free
40 g gluten-free almond flour
50 g lactose-free butter
60 g sunflower-seed oil
16 gluten-free baking powder
3 g of bourbon vanilla -For the cream of blueberries
250 g blueberries
130 g water
100 g sugar
A pinch of bourbon vanilla

Shell the eggs in a bowl and add the sugar, beat with a blender and whisk until it is frothy; add the gluten-free mix,gluten-free almond flour and baking powder for gluten-free desserts, then milk, oil, mix well with a spatula.
Butter single-portion molds in aluminum and put the mixture up to ¾ of the mold. Preheat the oven to 175 ° C and cook the muffins for 30 minutes; at the end of cooking open the oven and let it rest for another 5 minutes.
Pour the water in a saucepan and place it on the fire bringing the water to a boil.
Add the sugar, the blueberries and stir to melt and let the mixture simmer.
Continue to cook the mixture stirring occasionally, until it is reduced by half, remove the pot from the heat and pour it into a blender and blend it all together to make it a cream.
Pass the mixture to a fine mesh strainer until it becomes a velvety.
Remove the muffins from the molds, pour a tablespoon of cream in a deep dish, add the muffin and serve.