Gluten-free potato gnocchi with trout fillet with prosecco and mirepoix of zucchini cooked in a pan

Gluten-free potato gnocchi with trout fillet with prosecco and mirepoix of zucchini cooked in a pan
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Time: 1 ora
Difficulty: Facile

Ingredients for 4 people:
500 g Potato gnocchi Venice pasta without gluten - 250 g salmon trout fillets - ½ leek
3 courgettes
70 g dried porcini mushrooms
Extra virgin olive oil
Salt up
ground black pepper

Wash the leeks and remove the first leaf , cut in half in the direction of the long and then create some washers, put in the pot with two abundant spoons of extra virgin olive oil and let it brown over a gentle flame.
In the meantime cut the fillets of trout already filleted and cleaned previously, in cubes and then put them in the pan to cook over a low heat,blend with white wine and leave to cook lively with lid for a couple of minutes.
After cooking time remove the lid and adjust the trout with a pinch of black pepper.
Eliminate the two ends of the zucchini with a knife, cut the 4 sides for a long time removing the central pulp of the zucchini, then create strips and consequently small cubes.
Soak the dried mushrooms in a bowl with water.
Heat a pan with a little oil and add the zucchini and mushrooms cook for a couple of minutes, season with salt and pepper.
Take a pot and fill it with water to bring to a boil, add salt and put to cook the gluten-free gnocchi until they come to the surface,drain them in the pan with the fish and add also the mirepoix of zucchini, stir everything together with a spoon. Sporadise the gluten-free gnocchi in individual dishes and complete with a drizzle of raw oil.