Babà con panna fresca gluten free

Babà con panna fresca gluten free
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Time: 40 minuti
Difficulty: media

Ingredients for 850 g of dough
300 g Special Leavened Molino della Giovanna
40 g of water
10 g of fresh brewer's yeast
4 g of guar gum
150 g of lievitino
4 whole eggs
2 egg yolks
50 g of lard
Butter for the molds
For the wet
500 ml of water
220 g of sugar
80 ml of rum
For the filling
250 ml of fresh cream
Arrange the mix, the guar gum and work for a few minutes in the planetary with the leaf hook.
Dissolve the yeast in the water with the help of a fork, add to the mix and mix.
Shell the eggs in a bowl, add them to the mixture one at a time, without interrupting the processing, add the egg yolks and complete the whole.
Add the lard to the pomace a little at a time and the yeast leavened previously. The dough should turn 10 minutes in total, it must be smooth and well elastic and detach from the walls of the tub.
Transfer the mixture into a cutting board and create a ball, let it rest for about 1 hour.
Meanwhile, butter and flour the molds of babà well, after the time of the first rest divide the dough into small balls of 40 g each and put in the molds left to rise until the dough does not touch the edge of the die.
Meanwhile prepare the bagna
Pour into a saucepan all the ingredients and bring to a boil, cook for about 10 minutes, remove from heat and let cool before use (it must reach a temperature of about 50 ° C).
After the leavening time put in preheated oven at 200 ° C for about 10/15 minutes, it must be very compact and golden to the surface.
After cooked, extract the babà and place them on a raised pan to cool; at this point dip them several times in the rum bag, squeeze them gently and put them to drain.
Soak them, take them with a slotted spoon and squeeze them slightly, then place them upside down on a wire rack, placed on top of a tray that will collect the liquid that will run off.
Whip the cream with electric whips, adding the sugar when it turns out semi-whipped, open the babà in half along the way of long and stuff with the cream.