gluten-free focaccia with olives

gluten-free focaccia with olives
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Time: 60 minuti
Difficulty: Facile

Ingredients for 1 kg of gluten-free bread
500 g Special for bread and Pizza Molino dalla Giovanna
360 g of water
18 g of fresh brewer's yeast
10 g of salt up
30 g of extra virgin olive oil
80 g of pitted black Gaeta olives


Pour the mix into a bowl, dissolve the brewer's yeast in the water; pour the liquid and knead it until it forms a smooth and homogeneous dough, then add the oil and salt and form a ball. Wet the surface with the palm of your hand and cover the terrine with kitchen foil.

Leave to rise for 1 hour and 20 minutes, then resume the dough and place on a well-floured cutting board; roll it out with a rolling pin and fold the outer edges inwards, obtaining three layers of dough (peeling). With a circular dough cup form many small disks of about 80/100 g and arrange the shapes obtained on a baking sheet lined with baking paper, brush with oil and press three olives on each disk.

Leave to rise for about 20 minutes then bake in the hot oven at 230 ° C for about 15/20 minutes. Once the cooking time has elapsed, remove from the oven and leave to cool on a raised pan for about 30 minutes before tasting.