Cannellini gluten-free soup with quinoa and mint

Cannellini gluten-free soup with quinoa and mint
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Time: 60 minuti
Difficulty: Facile

Ingredients for 6 people:
350 g of dried cannellini beans
2 cloves of garlic
2 shallots
250 g of peeled tomatoes
120 g of quinoa without gluten
1 sprig of mint
1 sprig of sage
extra virgin olive oil
fine salt
black pepper in grains


Soak the beans in a large bowl with cold water for about 10 hours, changing it 2-3 times while resting. At the end, drain, rinse and cook in water initially cold with the peeled garlic cloves and sage for about 1 hour from the time of boiling. Once cooked, the beans must be tender but not flaked; drain them, keeping aside the cooking water.
Peel the shallots, chop finely and brown them in a pan with 2 tablespoons of oil; add the peeled tomatoes with a fork and cook for 3-4 minutes, then add the beans and 1 glass of their cooking water. Place the gluten-free quinoa in a fine knit strainer and rinse it under running water; drain it, add it to the pan with the beans and cook for 15-16 minutes on a moderate flame, stirring occasionally.
When cooked, season with salt and pepper, and add the minced mint; add flavor, then transfer the preparation into individual dishes and complete, as desired, with a couple of tablespoons of boiled and well-drained quinoa.