Hand-carved gluten-free loaf of bread

Hand-carved gluten-free loaf of bread
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Time: 90 minuti + tempo di riposo
Difficulty: Facile

Ingredients for 1 kg of bread
500 g Mix for gluten-free bread
390 g of water
18 g brewer's yeast
10 g white wine vinegar
30 g organic extra virgin olive oil
8 g salt up
Very fine corn flour for dusting without gluten
Very fine rice flour for dusting without gluten

Place the gluten-free mix in a fountain and mix well, create a hole.
Dissolve the yeast in a second bowl with water and add to the gluten-free mix; mix everything by squeezing trying to incorporate the liquids to the mixture, very slowly, then add the oil and salt and work until a soft mixture is obtained.
Let it rise for 2 hours, until it has doubled its volume, taking care to wet the surface of the dough and cover with film.
Once the leavening time has elapsed, resume the dough and divide it into two equal parts, flour the hands with the rice flour and gluten-free corn and form with the dough of the loaves, dent with the knife.
Let stand for 35-40 minutes, before putting in the oven brush the surface of the mixture with oil; cook the loaves in the hot oven at 210 ° C for 10 minutes; and complete the firing at 180 ° C for another 30/35 minutes.
Remove from the oven and leave to dry on a raised grill for half an hour and serve.