Gluten-free slipper with olives, white buckwheat

 Gluten-free slipper with olives, white buckwheat
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Time: 90 minuti + tempo di riposo
Difficulty: Facile

Ingredients for 1 kg of bread
500 g Mix gluten-free bread
400 g of natural water
30 g natural yogurt
20 g fresh brewer's yeast
40 g organic extra virgin olive oil
8 g salt up
80 g pitted green olives
50 g flax seeds
Place the gluten-free mix in a large bowl, put the flax seeds in a blender and blend for a few seconds, add to the gluten-free mix and mix well; add the water, the yoghurt and the crumbled brewer's yeast, and mix vigorously, chop 30 g of olives and add them to the mixture and add.

Work until the yeast is completely dissolved and obtain a smooth dough; then add the oil and mix well, bringing the dough to a homogeneous and compact appearance.

Divide the dough into 5 parts and form the loaves, lined with two baking pans rectangular with baking paper, and put to rise the previously formed loaves, wet the surface of the dough cover with foil and leave to tiposare all rest for about 1h30 minutes, after the time of rest, crush with the fingers with the floured fingers, giving an oval shape to the loaves. Leave the dough to rise in a warm place (24/28 ° C) for about 30 minutes; then brush the surface of the crushed with oil, greasing it carefully, and pressing the fingertips on its surface, add the olives, and brush with oil. Bake in the hot oven at 220 ° C for about 20/25 minutes; at the end, take out the schiacciata, brush it with a little oil and cut into strips; to serve.