Gluten-free pizza with gluten-free fresh fish

Gluten-free pizza with gluten-free fresh fish
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Time: 2 ore più riposo
Difficulty: Media

Ingredients for 4-6 pizzas
500 g Special for gluten-free and lactose-free bread and pizza Molino dalla Giovanna
3 g fresh brewer's yeast
420 g of water
5 g granulated sugar
50 g extra virgin olive oil
5 g salt
Gluten-free rice and corn flour

For the filling
500 g mozzarella for gluten-free pizza
100 g of cherry tomatoes
550 g mixed of fresh seafood
2 cloves of garlic
½ glass of gluten-free beer
Extra virgin olive oil
Fine salt
4 tufts of fresh basil

Mix the gluten-free mix with one hand in a bowl, crumble the yeast in the water with the sugar and mix well with a whisk, pour the liquid into the mixture and knead with your hands; add the fat part and finish with a pinch salt.

At the end, form a well-smooth ball and let it rise for 1 hour at room temperature, taking care to wet the surface of the mixture; after the first rest time taken from the mixture of the balls of 260 g, after making them spherical and place them on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Let them rise in the fridge for 8 hours, covered with a damp kitchen towel.

Meanwhile, clean the seafood, peel the two cloves of garlic and brown them in a pan with oil, after a few minutes add the seafood and cook for about 4 minutes covering the pan with a lid .

At this point, blend with the gluten-free beer and cook for a few more minutes, finely chop the parsley and finish with a sprinkling throughout the pan.

Wash the tomatoes well and cut the 4 and put everything in a separate bowl until the time of use.

After the rising time, spread a little gluten-free rice flour and corn on the pastry board, take a leavened ball and with the pressure of your hand begin to press the dough, gently extending it to a diameter of 28 cm.

Transfer the dough onto a baking sheet lined with baking paper, spread the chopped mozzarella on the pizzas and proceed in the same way with the other pizzas and cook in the oven at 280 ° C for 10 minutes. Remove from the oven and add the fish and tomatoes on each pizza and cook in the hot oven at 250 ° C for 6-8 minutes.