Gluten-free teff gnocchi with parmesan and saffron cream, flavored with poppy seeds

Gluten-free teff gnocchi with parmesan and saffron cream, flavored with poppy seeds
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Time: 30 minuti
Difficulty: Facile

Ingredients for 4 people
250 g Potato gluten-free potato gnocchi with pasta from Venice
250 g of fresh cream
150 g grated Parmigiano Reggiano
2 bags of saffron powder
poppy seeds
Ground black pepper
4 sprigs of marjoram
1 knob of butter

Take a pan with non-stick bottom. Pour the cream and Parmesan and cook, stirring occasionally with a soft flame whisk.
After 15/20 minutes, when the cream with the Parmesan cheese will be well tied, add the saffron, remove from the heat and continue stirring with a whisk.
Boil a pot of water and when it is boiled add salt. Cook the gnocchi for about 4 minutes; at the end of cooking drain the gnocchi and pour into a bowl with a knob of butter and let it melt with the heat of the gnocchi, stirring constantly.
Heat the parmesan cream well and pour a ladle on the bottom of each dish, pour the gnocchi and season with a sprinkling of poppy seeds, completed with a sprig of marjoram.