Gluten-free buckwheat ciabatta with bresaola, caciocavallo and lemon

Gluten-free buckwheat ciabatta with bresaola, caciocavallo and lemon
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Time: 2 ore più riposo
Difficulty: Facile

Ingredients for about 1 kg of dough
470 g Molino special bread and pizza from Giovanna
30 g buckwheat flour without gluten
380 g water
20 g fresh brewer's yeast
50 g extra virgin olive oil
16 g of fine salt
For the filling
300 g of bresaola without gluten
200 g of sliced ​​caciocavallo cheese
1 very thin sliced ​​lemon

Pour the mix into a bowl and mix with one hand, dissolve the yeast in the water and add it all.

Pour the liquid part and knead until it forms a smooth and homogeneous mixture to which you will add the oil and salt to obtain a smooth and compact ball. Wet the surface with the palm of your hand and cover the bowl with kitchen film.

Let rise for 1 hour and 40 minutes. After this time, take the dough again, divide it into two parts and place it on a well-floured cutting board; spread it with your hands giving it an oval shape.

Put everything in a baking pan lined with baking paper to rise again for about 30 minutes.

After the leavening time, brush the dough with oil, puncture the central part of the ciabatta with your fingers and place in the oven to cook 210 ° C for about 40 minutes.

After the cooking time, remove from the oven and place on a raised perforated grill to dry for about 1 hour.

After the rest time, divide the ciabatta into 4 parts and fill with bresaola, caciocavallo and lemon.