Soft almond cake without gluten

Soft almond cake without gluten
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Time: 60 minuti
Difficulty: Facile

Ingredients for 8 people
180 g of Special Sweet Sweets Molino from Giovanna
70 g Almond flour without gluten
250 g of sugar
3 eggs
120 g of melted butter without lactose
1 packet of allowed yeast
50 g almond flakes


Whisk the eggs with the sugar, when the mixture is light and fluffy, add the almond flour, the mix and the yeast, mix gently, then add the melted butter.

Pour the mixture into a mold with a diameter of 24 cm lined with parchment paper, then add the almonds and cook at 180 ° C for about 40 minutes.

At the end of cooking, take the cake out of the oven and let it rest for 30 minutes before passing it to the tasting.